Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Book Ttles To Look Forward To: July 2011

       I've been pretty busy. Trying to read tons of books during the summer. Things did pay off. I've been on most occasions successful in trying to get a few early review ARC's so I can review cool new YA fantasy and other books. I also am getting into liking to show off the author.

The author is just as important as the book you read. Books are a measure of the author's talent and creativity.

To showcase it. I'll be giving a sort-of Author's note along with my reviews from now on. We readers are nothing without writers.

                                                       ARC's I Have As of Now
                                           The Sleepwalkers - J. Gabriel GatesThe Sleepwalkers

                                           Seers - Heather FrostSeers

                                           Frost - Wendy Delsol(Stork #2)

                                            Hunting Kat-PJ Schnyder

                                         The Devil's Garden- Jane Kindred

                                         The Last Archangel - Michael Young


                  Quarter Square - David Bridger


                                                         And a few others.......
                          Well, these are on my top list. Come on, they look pretty good.

                                             ARC's-Finished So Far

                                        Ashfall(Ashfall #1)- Mike Mullin
             Oh, and just so you know Ashfall is worth your time. It's well-written and attention-gripping. Loved it! My favorite so far. Maybe there will be more fantastic ARC's I'll read. Here's, hoping! Oh, please, let it be good ones....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for spending some of your precious reading time with my novel, Cassandra!

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