Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tagged: Blog Award Winners

                These awards are for you, you are amazing!

Thanks a lot to  for choosing me to pass these awards too.

Kelsey at- The Book Scout

Ashley at- Books Obsession

Theresa at- Just Nook It

Haley at- Ya-Holic

Tiger at- All-Consuming Books

Memrie at- darkangel88

Aik & Koey at- The Bookaholics

Kathy at- I Am A Reader, Not A Writer

Greta is Erikasbuddy & Darkfallen at-  Paranormal Wastelands

Kati at- Jagged Edge Reviews

Angela at- Dark Faerie Tales

All the passionate readers/writers at-  Five Alarm Reviews

Rachel at - Parajunkee's View

Alexia at- Alexia's Books and Such...

The Book Muncher at- The Book Muncher

Rules for these awards:

1) Link back and thank the person who tagged you.

2) Post seven things about yourself and answer the list of favorite questions.

3) Pass these awards to 15 bloggers.

4) Notify the lucky bloggers who got these awards.

If you feel you don't want to follow the rules it's ok, but note you aren't truly entitled for the awards.

7 Facts about me:

1) I love anything Japanese! Such a beautiful culture in my opinion.

2) Love music

3) Secretly want to be an artist. Don't know if I got it so I'll let you know.

4) I'm currently exploring reading all sorts of genres when it comes to books. I dream of reading all the books in the world knowing it's impossible.

5) Suck at making jokes but when I'm not trying to be funny. I come out being funny. Who'd a guessed, huh?

6) Don't know how to cook but don't want to. I think I can survive with fast food and easy to prepare dishes.

7) Will be delighted if I discovered magic was real. Ah, what a dream.

The Favorite Questions:

Name your favorite colors:
Green, Blue

Name your favorite song:
Ride on A Shooting Star by The Pillows

Name your favorite dessert:
Chocolate brownies. Mmmm....

What pisses you off:
Long waiting times, No food, Liars, Pretentious bitches, Nosy people

When you are upset you:
Sleep, watch TV

Favorite pet:

Black or White:

Your biggest fear:
Dying. The Unknown.

Best feature:
My eyes and hair.

Everyday Attitude:
Keep going in life, you know. No turning back!

What is perfection:
Being Human

Guilty pleasures:
Books, Food, Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Vanilla, The Vampire Diaries, Nine Lives of Chloe King, Nikita, and True Blood.

P.S.- You've been tagged.


Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.