Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Book News" On The Fallen Star Series

The Fallen Star was planned to be released in early September or November 2011. I, your blogist (so to speak have now caught up on things from Jessica Sorensen. It's due this SUMMER on July 31, 2011. She's also having a giveaway to win both The Fallen Star and The Underworld which is Vol. 2 of the series in gorgeous paperback. Mostly I wanted to let you know because she's had the contest up and most people haven't been trying to enter, besides the ongoing giveaway she is also hosting. This is a very beautiful series and I wouldn't want you to miss it.  Ends, I recall, July 31 2011. The Underworld's cover hasn't been released.

Contest Instructions
Well you just comment on her facebook or Jessica's blog and include a quote of The Fallen Star. You have to be a follower of her blog and Like her Facebook page depending on where you want to enter. I entered myself too. Good luck!

Jessica Sorensen's blog- Go on, stop by (grin, grin)


  1. Where can you enter to win?
    And good luck to her!

  2. Hey Natalie well you just comment on her facebook and include a quote of The Fallen Star. You have to be a follower of her blog or Like her Facebook page depending on where you want to entered. I entered myself too. Good luck!


Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.