Saturday, July 9, 2011

Review of Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Bella having seen the way vampires really are must decide whether that is what she wants. Edward wants her to choose what is the most natural. Be safe and human. Bella wants to be sure she will be forever safe but at Edward's side. Edward too must make his choice. 

                                    About  Eclipse
Edward and Bella's romance gets much more deeper. There is more trouble for Bella and Edward. Bella has feelings for Edward and a certain childhood friend. Moments of uncertainty taint Eclipse. 
If you take to liking a good vampire fight for the cause of love then this is it. We see Edward finally showing his deep-rooted love for Bella. Twilight fans of the saga can be assured. 
             Overall: Amazing read!                                 
             Genre:Young Adult, Fantasy 
                             My Star Review 

   Hardcover: 629 pgs.
  Published:  January 1st 2007 by Little, Brown and Company

                        For This Review:*Self-provided Copy*

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