Sunday, August 28, 2011

Giveaway Hints #2

 Haven't done this in a while but here goes.
There are tons of giveaways I have come across.
This is me sharing.

ARC Giveaway: Triangles at A Book Lover's Diary

Ends September 2.

ARC Giveaway: Hades at Book Lover's Diary

Ends September 6.
Ends September 5.

 Two Year Blogoversary at The Book Scout
End date- Undetermined

Fantastic YA & Kids Books Giveaway at YA Book Central  


1. Young Adult Books

2. Ending Soon Giveaways 

3. Young Adult Books  Part 2

4. Urban Fantasy 

5. Non-Fiction

6. Thriller

Summer Giveaway (3 Books, 3 Winners)

Go everyone!

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