Saturday, August 27, 2011

In My Mailbox (5) - August 28

In My Mail­box« is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi – The Story Siren.
 In this meme, we share the books we received for review, purchased, got from the library, traded/swapped, etc. Great way to network your blog with other bloggers and readers. 

This week I've got
                          For Review


In Print:
Imprint by Annie Frame
The Quiet Road by Annie Frame

In Print:
Finding Felicity by Monica Marlowe 


Won In Giveaways

In Print:
Dead Rules by Randy Russell (From Books At Midnight)

   That's about it for this week's books to read and review.

Imprint and The Quiet Road by Annie Frame I'll be reviewing in the near future and going to hold a book/swag giveaway courtesy  of Author Annie Frame and Pegasus Publishers.

              Trailer of Imprint by Annie Frame
                       Genre: Horror

       Trailer of The Quiet Road by Annie Frame
                             Genre: Horror


  1. Imprint is CREEPY. I bet it will be a good read. Neat IMM today Cassandra.

  2. It's creepy which can't wait to read. Steph. Thanks for stopping by.Your IMM was awesome by the way.

  3. I've heard some pretty good things about Dead Rules, hope you enjoy it!

    Stop by my IMM

  4. Yeah, I agree with Steph, Imprint sure looks creepy! Enjoy your books, Cass!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! All of these books look interesting! I will have to check them out!

  6. Thanks so much for stopping by! AWE-Some IMM :D wonderful covers! they all look so interesting!

  7. OMG that cover looks so crazy scary! Kinda reminds me of that Genesis music video "Land of Confusion"... creepiest music video EVER. Scared the crap out of me when I was younger hahaa. My IMM...


Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.