Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Review of The Iron Daughter (The Iron Fey #2) by Julie Kagawa

Half Summer faery princess, half human, Meghan has never fit in anywhere. Deserted by the Winter prince she thought loved her, she is prisoner to the Winter faery queen. As war looms between Summer and Winter, Meghan knows that the real danger comes from the Iron fey—ironbound faeries that only she and her absent prince have seen. But no one believes her.
Worse, Meghan's own fey powers have been cut off. She's stuck in Faery with only her wits for help. Trusting anyone would be foolish. Trusting a seeming traitor could be deadly. But even as she grows a backbone of iron, Meghan can't help but hear the whispers of longing in her all-too-human heart.

                        About The Iron Daughter  
Meghan Chase is now in the possession of the Winter Court. She still finds it hard to stay away from her forbidden love, Ash, He's as cold as ever. Meghan also discovers that her friend, Puck or Robin Goodfellow, may have feelings for her. All the while the Iron Fey's threat grows stronger. Meghan is put into a corner. Choose Ash or save the Nevernever. Meghan's resolve in The Iron Daughter is a strong as ever and her adventures in feary are a wonderfully thrilling continuation in the Iron Fey series.

Overall: Amazing read!

       Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance 

E-book:  288 pgs.
Recommended Ages: 15 and Up  
Published: August 1st 2010 by Harlequin (first published July 27th 2010)

       For This Review:  *Self-Provided Copy*

About the Author 
Julie Kagawa was born in Sacramento, California. At age nine, her family, and her moved to sunny Hawaii. There she enjoyed a lot of what nature had to offer. Julie worked at many bookstores over the years but that didn't work out. Then, an animal trainer. Then her first book sold and became a full-time author.She now lives with her husband and pets in Louisville, Kentucky. To learn more about Julie and her amazing books, visit her at: 
Her website:www.juliekagawa.com
Her Blog:http:// juliekagawa.blogspot.com
Her Twitter:www.twitter.com/JKagawa




  1. Love this series! I see the appeal of Ash, but I'm Team Puck all the way! :)

  2. I know I was rooting for Puck. He would have waited for her forever. But Ash is alright.


    Neat Blog.




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