Sunday, August 7, 2011

Review of The Necromancer's Apprentice by R.M. Prioleau

 Jasmine Na'Darod lived a simple life with her parents and older sister on the family's farm. She never strayed far from home until the ill-fated Blood Moon arose, basking the country of Caristan with a terrible, sickening drought.

When her mother falls ill, Jasmine and her family are forced to leave home in desperate search of a cure. During their journey, a series of tragic events will change Jasmine's life forever.

       About  The Necromancer's Apprentice
A morbid Fantasy that calls into question the unknown of death. Sort of short but wove a somewhat likeable story. It wasn't anything too amazing but a small Fantasy tale. I will say this, it had its charismatic moments. It's important to note this is a short novella not a novel and has a darker take in Paranormal Fantasy.
                           Overall: Not good, not bad
                Genre: Gothic Fantasy, Dark Fiction
                                                                                                                             My Star Review 
                               Buy Options

Available as: Amazon's Kindle Edition
Recommended Ages: 15 and Up   
Published: June 28th 2011 by Decadent Publishing (first published June 26th 2011)

                     For This Review:*Self-Provided Copy*

                                     About the Author 
R.M. Prioleau is a game developer and artist by day; and a dangerous writer by night. Since childhood, she’s continued exploring new methods of expanding her skills and creativity as she delves into the realm of literary abandon. R.M. can often be seen lurking about many great writing communities like NaNoWriMo.                                                                           


  1. Hey! Thanks for the follow. I followed you blog also since it looks pretty epic and I'll have to keep my eye on it for new books and stuff. Now I'm off to explore it =D

  2. SOunds like an intense read. Never heard of this title.


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