Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Review of Swear (Swoon #2) by Nina Malkin

            A promise broken. A bond betrayed
A promise broken. A bond betrayed. It’s been six months since ghost-turned golem Sinclair Youngblood Powers confessed his love, stole Dice’s heart, and disappeared from Swoon, perhaps from existence. Despite the hurt, Dice has been moving steadily toward ordinary. Dreams of Sin still plague and pleasure her sleep, and the mark of Sin’s love remains on her skin, still sore. But Dice has been throwing herself into music, finding solace in song and sometimes even in the arms of her band mate, Tosh. Life seems almost…normal. The last thing Dice wants is to mess with anything remotely supernatural. But when her best friend’s boyfriend goes missing, Dice has no choice but to become very much involved. She knows that his disappearance was no accident, and it somehow has everything to do with Sin. Because Dice can feel it: Sin is back. And the promises and deceptions he left in his wake have returned to haunt him.

What do you do when an oath of devotion threatens to destroy the one you love?


                                                              About Swear
Hardly believe there is more to Swoon which was of course, reading bliss. Swear continues where Swoon left off. Dice is rather different, more, mature which is a great start. Her psychic powers seem to have highly developed and you'll see more of that. Dice's new psychic powers are very interesting since there are hints of her being a paranormal being. A new surprise guest from someone very close to Dice will make an appearance. 

Things aren't entirely  picturesque for Dice this time around thoug. Dice has not been able to get over Sin. I mean who could, really. After he was a ghost years and years and then with a touch brought him back as a golem left its mark.

Sin pledged revenge. Soon Dice realized there had to be an end to it all.
Now Dice is in a band and tryouts to move on but for love for Sin doesn't seem to want to be forgotten. It wont especially with new strange disasters happening lately. In Swear we end on very well accepting note in the end. 

A read that should be most appreciated by readers with eclectic tastes. Containing slangs and some occasionally sensual notes. Compelling read mostly. Wouldn't be surprised to see a Book three. Swear is a heavily emotional read with a flavor that says "let loose or relax". Liked it!
                                                   Overall: Good read
      Genre:  Romance, Young Adult, Paranormal, Ghosts                                              

                                                 My Star Review 3 of 5 stars
Buy Options

 For This Review: *Advance Reader Copy Provided by Publisher at Simon & Schuster *

Hardcover:  480 pgs.
Recommended Ages: 16 and Up  
Published: Simon Pulse (October 18, 2011)

                                                                    About the Author 
Nina MalkinNina Malkin is the author of five YA novels, one novella, and an adult memoir. Before turning to books, Nina was a journalist specializing in entertainment, pop culture, and lifestyles. She has held executive positions as an editor and writer at Cosmopolitan,Elle, and Teen People, and her work has appeared in Entertainment WeeklyThe New York TimesSeventeenReal SimpleIn Style, and numerous other publications. A New York native, Nina lives in Brooklyn with her musician husband and assorted felines. Find out more at ninamalkin.com and follow her on Twitter at:@SwoonAuthor.


  1. Great review! I saw this one too and it didn't seem like something I would enjoy but it does look interesting..:D

  2. I think the cover is just so beautiful! I've been wanting to read Swoon for quite some time now. This is a great review!

  3. Yay! I can't wait to read it!!!



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