Saturday, August 27, 2011

Shelf Candy (3)

                Shelf Candy is Hosted by Five Alarm Book Reviews.
          The concept is if other bloggers share their favorite covers of the week. Showcasing some of your favorite covers while giving some much deserved recognition to the illustrators, photographers and designers who are responsible, if you can. If not post about your favorite book cover of that week, newly released or, not, talk about what you like on the cover. 
Great way to socialize  with either other bloggers and readers. See new books and blogs as well.
                                  The Featured Shelf Candy This Week!

Everneath by Brody Ashton
To be released: January 3, 2012

Artwork Commentary:
The cover design was done by the HarperCollins team.
From Brody herself when I asked her and she was so nice about it. 
Said:Well originally a photo of a girl in a dress, and then the HarperCollins design team came in and added all the smoke and other details.
Whoever is responsible this cover is really beautiful.

Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu
To be released: September 27, 2011

Artwork Commentary: Love how absolutely colorful and magical the design looks. There is a grainy but colorful flurry of colorful which says fairytale re-telling in every way.

The cover artist is Erin McGuire. Erin is a
Freelance Illustrator at emcguirestudios.

She enjoys doing:
Concept art
Children's books
Editorial illustration

She's also represented by Writer's House for all children's book and literary related artwork

Great sketch details in forms of cartoonish quality. Yet, still appearing life-like. See her blog:
. She has really big artistic talent. You can tell from her blog. Loved looking around at her past cover illustrations.


  1. What a wonderful Shelf Candy. You did a beautiful job and I love your choices.

  2. My, what beautiful covers you have! You know you are costing me money because now I'm going to have to go and add these to my TBR pile! :)

    A sucker for goood book covers,

  3. Love the shelf candy. Will have to figure out which ones to add to my TBR list. Stop by and check out my shelf candy.

  4. I love that photo with the red dress. It really stands out and is very eye catching. Until this week I never really looked at the cover. Thanks for sharing.

    Thx for following me too - I'm following back. =D

    Tina "The Book Lady"


Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.