Tuesday, September 13, 2011

ARC Review Preview (2)

I'm so happy I entered a giveaway to win Advance Reader Copies of these wonderful books. Yesterday, I was  at home and the package came. I thought it was my copy of Invisible Things by Jenny Davidson, I just bought from Amazon.com but no. There they were! Thank you MacMillian Children's Group.

Books Received:
Hades by Alexandra Adornetto
Death Sentence by Alexander Gordon Smith
The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearsen

               ARC Review Preview (2)

Thanks MacMillian Children's Group!
I'm so excited to read.

Need to buy Lockdown and Solitary so I can be on track. Going to because this series looks really good!

That has been Advance Reader Copy Preview (2). Watch for reviews to come later.

1 comment:

  1. hey! i'm a follower here! i'm spreading the word about Teen Shiver, a new group of YA authors that have combined together! stop by the Teen Shiver blog and follow us?? :)



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