Saturday, September 17, 2011

Interview & Giveaway with James Wallace Birch author of "Discontents"

We have James Wallace Birch who is author of Discontents. He's going to answer some questions at the blog today and be giving away  electronic books to readers interested. Please, read on to find about James Wallace Birch and his book.

About The Book
Emory Walden is a talented writer and street artist at odds with the corporate America of his twenty-something peers. He can’t remember how he ended up hospitalized needing a risky surgery to save his life. Someone tried to kill him.

He suspects his involvement with the enigmatic Fletcher Spivey in a plot to spark a political uprising in the U.S. has been infiltrated. But he’s not sure who the nebulous adversary is.

If he can uncover the infiltrator before the surgery, he can find out who wants him dead and warn Spivey in time to save the movement. But the deeper he digs, the less certain he is that anything is as it seems. 

                        Discontents by James Wallace Birch Book Trailer 

The Author
James Wallace Birch is an award-winning author of short fiction. He has published a number of articles in newspapers and journals. Discontents is his debut novel. James is a twenty-something from Northern Virginia (NoVa), outside our nation's capital.

Discontents is about the disappearance of one of his high school friends who was hunted by the U.S. government. You can get Part 1 of Discontents as a FREE SAMPLE at 

Interview with James Wallace Birch author of "Discontents"
Questions and Answers 

1. Being an author of books always been your dream?

James Wallace Birch (The Author): Oh definitely. I am living a dream right now having this book out there, available to the public. I guess I could say the eReader as an innovation made the dream possible for me. I always wanted to be a writer since I was a kid. I gave up on that for a while – i was in school and following a few other opportunities. But I came back to the project that was to become Discontents and by that time eReaders were on the rise, I knew the dream could become a reality. It has truly been an awesome start. Discontents has gotten a great reception, I’ve gotten a ton of compliments from people all over who love the book, and I am excited to see where things go!

2. James do you read books and if so tell us some of your favorites?

James Wallace Birch (The Author): I’m an avid reader. I spent the last 10 years or so reading and studying what I think are classic 20th century fiction novels. That’s been my focus – to learn from the greats of the 20th century. In fact, I’ve done that to the exclusion of reading contemporary authors. My favorite authors are George Orwell, Ken Kesey, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Hunter S. Thompson, Huber Selby Jr, Tom Wolfe – that sort of thing. More recently, I’ve read Brett Easton Ellis. My favorite books include 1984, This Side of Paradise, Requiem for a Dream, A Separate Peace, Lord of the Flies, and probably my favorite right now is Coming Up for Air by George Orwell. More recently I’ve discovered the indie community and have committed myself to reading the great works so many indie authors are putting out. 

3. What do you do as pastimes?

James Wallace Birch (The Author): I have a hard time idling. I am always doing work of some kind. I feel like I’m always on the computer trying to do this or that. But when I can, I like to watch college football, hike, cycle, and write of course. I like to cook too. I cook a lot of stir fry and in the winter chili. I’m a chili addict! 

4. Tell readers a few last words?

James Wallace Birch (The Author): Thank you so much for the opportunity to have me on your blog! Anyone interested in learning more about Discontents can check out or feel free to contact me anytime with any questions, thoughts, etc: I feel it is very important to be accessible to readers and love to interact with them!

That has been author James Wallace Birch!


~Cassandra The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger


  1. Sounds like an exciting read.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

    google reader as cenya2

  2. This book sounds AMAZING!

    The link to my tweet about it didn't show up in the box to enter it so this is the link for that:!/misamille/status/115520903110066176

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  3. Oh wow! this is very intriguing indeed I love the book trailer really spikes up my interest even more good job! great interview ^_^

  4. I almost passed this opportunity by. But then I read the review and I was hooked! Count me in as I'd love to read his book.

    clenna at aol dot com

  5. I wasn't sure about this book, either, until I read the interview, and now I definitely want to read Discontents! Thanks for the chance to win a copy:)
    GFC follower Julie Witt
    jwitt33 at live dot com

  6. Hi!
    I saw your post on BlogAholic about wanting friends in the book blogging world to visit eachother's blogs regularly and would love to do that with you!
    The way I see it is, having lots of followers are great and all, but if they don't ever come back, what's the point?
    So, if you're interested, my blog is


  7. That book trailer is chilling. I would freak out if I received a letter like that! It sounds like a gripping read.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com
    GFC Darlene


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