Saturday, September 3, 2011

Interview & Giveaway with R.J. Gonzales author of "The Mundahlian Era series"

R.J. Gonzales author of a new paranormal fantasy series with shape-shifters is here today with us. He has a really fascinating  book out now named Mundahlia. I'm excited to introduce him today to everyone.

So let's get to know him. 

Author Interview 
Question and Answers 

1. Readers must be curious about Mundahlia, R.J., so what can you  tell us of Mundahlia?

RJ Gonzales (The Author): Hmm. I really don't want to give too much away, but I can say that Mundahlia includes many genres including some pretty steamy Romance, a little action and horror, and Fantasy elements. It is the first book in a series titled "The Mundahlian Era" and features some pretty interesting creatures who are bent on reclaiming the land they once shared with the humans.
Mundahlia features several creatures with more to come in the next books in the series. In the first book, we meet:
Mundahlians: Legendary hybrid beings with both human and animal qualities. Have the ability to shift from animal, human or hybrid form of both.
Floradelias: Nasty little faery assassins that use weapons crafted of thorns to defend themselves. They are small but pack a pretty powerful punch, especially when in groups. 
Enthiduans: Well, you're just going to have to read to find out what THOSE are.  lol.

2. So, how many books in the Mundahlian Era can you foresee?

RJ Gonzales (The Author): Originally, Mundahlia was supposed to be a trilogy, but now-a-days trilogies are almost everywhere. So I ended up shortening the series title to just "The Mundahlian Era" because I could end the series in book two, or possibly go on for as long as my characters want to keep going and let me. It really is amazing when writing and the characters take over themselves. Yes, it sounds a little crazy—but it is true. It's as much as my decision as it is theirs. The sequel to Mundahlia is currently in the works!  Expect more creatures, more action, and more steaminess! haha. 

3. What was really the inspiration for Mundahlia?

RJ Gonzales (The Author): What inspired me were these stories of freaky things going on in the Bermuda Triangle. Strange noises, Strange disappearances…all of that paranormal stuff. I thought it was the perfect place for a banished nation of beasts and other creatures to be located to be kept away from the rest of the world. The concept of Mundahlians came about from Roman & Greek Mythology as well as Egyptian Deities/Hieroglyphics and Native American stories of "Skinwalkers". They all had stories or images of these creatures that were half human and half animal. Mermaids, Centaurs, Minotaurs, Sirens…etc. And the Egyptians worshipped deities such as Horus, Sobek, Anubis…etc. who were also creatures with the head or features of an animal, but still part human. I thought they were fascinating and thus I wanted to give a story to where they went, and why they disappeared all of a sudden and are only mentioned in statues or paintings.

4. What I want to know is how has your life shaped your writing?
                                                                                                                     RJ Gonzales (The Author)
RJ Gonzales (The Author):I draw inspiration from my life then apply a twist on it when writing. Life is very inspirational to me. Anything big or small can inspire me or give me an idea. My upcoming standalone YA paranormal romance novel, "Unearthly" started with me playing with a crank flashlight one stormy night. Growing up, I moved from city to city, leaving behind a childhood best friend in my hometown. Pretty much after that a pen, paper, and my imagination became my best friends. I've been writing short stories since I was little and have a box filled with them.  Mundahlia is my very first full-length novel that was adapted from a short five page story that was in that box. The very last few scenes in the novel were actually taken from a dream I had that inspired me to write that 5 page story. Of all the short stories I've ever written, I've never felt as much love for them as I did with this one, and that is when I knew I had to turn it into a novel and finish it.
I cannot thank my family, my friends, and everyone else who has supported me, enough! Without them, none of this would've been possible.

5. Do you see yourself writing years from now? I really hope you do, by the way, enjoyed your writing a lot.

RJ Gonzales (The Author): Thank you so much!  I do see myself writing for quite some time, if not forever. It is something I enjoy doing and will continue to do for the rest of my life. Giving characters life and seeing them take you on a journey is an indescribable feeling. 
I have also been fascinated with Filmmaking and took Film courses all four years of my high school education, and now I am in college studying Film and English. Filmmaking and Writing are my passion, and I will always continue to follow them out.

6. Want to give readers a final word R.J.?

RJ Gonzales (The Author): First: I would like to say Thank You so much Cassandra for hosting me. And I would also like to thank those of you who are reading this. I hope you all pick up a copy of Mundahlia, the e-book is available now for 0.99 cents on Amazon, and paperback is coming very soon! It is listed on Goodreads, in case you would like to mark it as to-read, and also be sure to friend me on Goodreads as well! I'm always happy to meet new book bloggers/reviewers. You can also catch me on my own book review blog where I host monthly giveaways and do book & movie reviews at or visit me on my YouTube channel/Twitter

--Thanks R.J. for being at Book & Movie Dimension.--

RJ Gonzales (The Author):  Thank you so much!  

The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger: You are welcome, R.J.

Mundahlia (The Mundahlian Era # 1) by R.J. Gonzales 

See at Book & Movie Dimension: Review 
Goodreads reviews

Sypnosis:  When our era ends, theirs begins.
Rini thought going to live with her cousins in the city of Austin, Texas while her parents rekindled their marriage on a four month long cruise, was a step in the right direction. When she makes a new quirky friend, and stumbles upon a handsome nude young man named Jett in the enveloping forest surrounding her cabin, she thought she was only moving forward. Well, she was wrong.

Jett and his clan appear human, just like anyone else. But take a closer look, and you will see that they are indeed Mundahlians. Legendary hybrid beings with both human and animal qualities that have been kept a heavily guarded secret throughout time—until now. They are taking refuge in our world, fleeing from their hidden homeland of Mundahlia and its aging power-hungry King, who has set up a game between his many children. Whoever can bring them back to their world so they can be tried and executed shall receive the crown once he passes. 

Giveaway Time!
R.J. Gonzales has agreed to offer 1 Paperback Copy of his book 
to readers.

Book Giveaway courtesy of, Author R.J. Gonzales.
To enter:
You have to be a GFC follower or Network Follower.
-Leave your GFC name, so it can be checked.
-Leave a comment and your e-mail address (How you'll be contacted).
- Share on Social Networking site such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Leave links, please.

Extra Entries 
1) Become a Fan or Friend of, Author R.J. Gonzales on Goodreads:
 or Like his Facebook Page at Facebook: .
( Each 1 entry, Total of 2 entries)

2)  Follow his blog at R.J. Does Books (1 entry)
Book Review Blog:

3) Put Book & Movie Dimension's blog button or Mundahlia button (On your blog until giveaway ends) on your blog or website. Leave a link to your blog and directions on where it's located.  (2 entries)

Terms of  Giveaway 
Giveaway runs: 09/03/11- 09/16/11
Winner Chosen by Random.Org.
You must be at least 13 years old to enter.
Giveaway prize will be mailed to you by the author.
You have 72 hours (3 days) to claim your book giveaway prize from the moment you receive the You Are A Winner e-mail. New winner will be chosen if you don't, unfortunately.
Giveaway is open to U.S. residents. Not International.


  1. GFC: Sarika
    Email id:

  2. Thank you so soo much Cassandra! :D It looks fantastic! I love it!!!

  3. Thanks R.J. that's so kind of you. I'm glad you like it. Tweaked it to get it just right.

  4. I have to say I love the cover, thanks for your interview and giveaway R.J.!

    GFC: Liss125
    Liked fb as Liss Martz Villegas


  5. This sounds like a book I would really enjoy reading! Thanks for the chance to win a copy :)

    GFC: Julie Witt
    Liked RJ on Facebook: Julie Witt
    I'm a fan of RJ on Goodreads: Julie Witt

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  6. GFC Krystal Larson

    Looks like a great book and I enjoyed the post!

  7. Thank you all for your lovely comments! :D

  8. Beautiful cover, interesting concept for a story! I would like to be included in giveaway, Rae
    Best O' Books

  9. Book sounds great ! :)

    GFC follower name - booksaremagic44

    tweeted about giveaway -!/ohlookitswanda/status/110576404017586176

    & Followed R.J on Goodreads and followed his blog via GFC

  10. This is so awesome! the mundahlian look so great and intriguing XD

    Thanks for sharing and posting this ^_^

    GFC & Twitter follower: kimyunalesca
    youtube subscriber: morice_chavez
    GR buddy: kimyunalesca
    listed blog button:



  11. Hi Kim. Had to personally write this comment. Thanks for sharing. If you win, of you'll love!

  12. Thanks for letting me know about this! I look forward to following this blog, and I loved the interview!

    GFC: tpisces
    Email: tpisces at gmail dot com
    Following on Goodreads (adpaz) and on Facebook (also adpaz). Planning on putting a link to the giveaway on my blog a little later this week (once I have a chance to get back to the blogging I should have been doing all along! :))

  13. You all are seriously amazing! :D Thanks so much for being interested in my book!

  14. I finally got the post put up for the giveaway! Check it out here:

  15. Thanks for the awesome giveaway
    GFC: Michael/Bookshelf Reviewer
    Twitter Link:!/TheBookshelfRev/status/113489590186291200
    Faned on Goodreads: Michael Lichtenberger
    Liked on Facebook: Michael Lichtenberger
    Follow blog at same GFC above.
    I hope I win and get to read it. =]


Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.