Monday, September 19, 2011

Interview with Felix Timothy author of "Ionshaker"

Have a new author interview with an author, Felix Timothy. He has a book named Ionshaker out that I find has a lovely cover. If you love his interview today you might like Felix Timothy's new book. Let's get on with finding out more about Felix and his book.....
About The Book                                                                                  
Trey's wife, his wife's shrink and his attorney are shot dead as his ex-girlfriend Robin Ironside disappears from the ICU. The four of them knew about Ionshaker - a cutting edge nuclear arming and disarming software.
In the meantime, Brett – the lead FBI detective pursuing Trey - the sole murder suspect for the murders, gets framed for two new murders as soon as he learns about Al Fakir - a suspected Al Qaeda off shoot that has stolen Ionshaker, and he’s forced to become a fugitive like Brett.
No one knows what Al Fakir intends to use Ionshaker for, but creators of the software say, the country that possesses Ionshaker will have a global control over anything nuclear, from nuclear warheads to civilian nuclear-powered plants, at the click of a button and the fear is, Al Fakir might just use Ionshaker to attack a hostile country and start a nuclear war, or worst yet, use it to detonate American nuclear warheads on American soil. And as if that’s not all, reliable intel indicates that Ionshaker has been to Germany, then Russia with China also showing interest, its bidding price being trillions of dollars.
Now, the president needs Trey (an ex CIA) and Brett (an ex FBI) to steal Ionshaker back from Al Fakir before they sell or duplicate it. Their mission is called IONSHAKER and its top secret, its urgent, its war against Al Fakir, simply put - its mission impossible.

Reviews for Ionshaker!

This review for Ionshaker was titled Nuclear-Powered Thriller on Amazon by Annie Frame Author of Imprint and The Quiet Road
"IONSHAKER by Timothy Felix is a tense thriller from the start. A married woman is shot dead in cold blood and the main suspect is her unsuspecting husband Trey. The investigation deepens as more names enter the equation. FBI Agent Brett Dawson and deputy Nicole Anderson probe all leads. The first one being an accident involving the other woman in Trey's life which leads to more questions that need answers and a much deeper investigation than expected. Twists and turns only add to the already thickening plot. I really enjoyed this read and have to say that it's a page turner throughout with characters that effortlessly pull you deeper into the web of IONSHAKER. If you love a fast paced thriller then this is one to buy. Hats of to Timothy Felix! Can't give too much away to potential wouldn't be fair." - Annie Frame, author of Imprint and The Quiet Road.
Link to the review 
           Ionshaker by Felix Timothy Book Trailer 

Felix Timothy

"A sophisticated nuclear software is stolen, people with information start disappearing and popping up dead, and the president is forced to send two fugitives to steal Ionshaker back. Its urgent, its dangerous, its mission impossible." Read more on

Felix Timothy, The Author
Author of IONSHAKER now available on Amazon Kindle store, a movie enthusiast, an upcoming script writer.

Author Interview 
Question & Answer

 1. Give us a book background?

Felix Timothy (The Author): Ionshaker is twofold. Part one is titled ‘The Manhunt’, where Trey is the only murder suspect for his wife and his attorney’s mysterious murders and is on the run, which takes you to part two titled - ‘The Ionshaker’ where now he learns that the two were killed because they knew about Ionshaker – a former top secret government project now stolen by terrorists called Al Fakir.  Just to mention, Ionshaker is a software that can control anything nuclear from warheads to power-generating plants, and the president subsequently sends Trey and Brett – the FBI lead detective who’d been pursuing Trey but now a fugitive after being framed by Al Fakir for two new murders, to trace and steal Ionshaker back.

2. Who do you think as author will enjoy reading your book?

Felix Timothy (The Author): I really want to say anyone…but if I’d have to specify, then I’d say; those who enjoy conspiracy thrillers with a political tinge. These are lovers of stories with unending setups and cover-ups by powerful people in government that affect ordinary people. If you enjoyed reading Sidney Sheldon’s ‘Doomsday Conspiracy’, Robert Ludlum’s ‘Borne series’, Some of Dan Brown’s like ‘Deception Point’ and the like. 

3.  Share with readers why you like to write?

Felix Timothy (The Author): I like telling stories and narrating experiences. So I think writing gives an avenue to not only tell stories but also create my on stories. Writing is empowering, it gives me the ability to create a story out of something I imagined, saw, heard or even experienced, and then narrate it to other by way of writing.

4. What kind of person will you describe yourself as, personality-wise?

Felix Timothy (The Author): Hmm…tricky one. I’m a joker and a noisemaker. I totally don’t know if I answered your question correct…

5. What are the things you do when not writing say a book?

Felix Timothy (The Author): Many really. But to mention a few, teaching people about the bible truth – don’t be surprised! Asides from that, I like movies, traveling, cycling, learning, and  trying out new stuff. 

6. Felix would you like to say anything yourself to people reading?

Felix Timothy (The Author): First, I want to thank you for this interview. It is the first and as you can imagine it is a big deal. Then to you the reader, Ionshaker is a great story believe me, not just because I wrote it, but because of what many of the few who’ve read it say, and I request you to give it a chance. If you want to test the waters first, visit my website or my blog read the first chapter for free or better yet use Amazon’s free ‘See Inside ‘. Alternatively, you can subscribe to my podcast feed to listen to Ionshaker chapter episodes. The link is on my blog.   

Lastly, I’m a new author and so I will greatly appreciate your support in spreading the word about Ionshaker, either by word of mouth, tweeting about it, Facebook, inviting me for an interview, asking to review Ionshaker or even referring me to another reviewer, anyway you can help me create a buzz, I’d be so so grateful. Oh, and I almost forgot, the eBook is only $0.99.
That has been Felix Timothy author of Ionshaker. Felix after reading felt your a very outgoing author. It was nice getting to know you better.
Get the Book? Goodreads 

That has been Felix Timothy author of Ionshaker. Felix after reading felt your a very outgoing author. It was nice getting to know you better.

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~Cassandra The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger

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