Friday, September 16, 2011

Review of The Perils of Being VampPixie by PJ Schriever

Lucy wants nothing more than to escape her pathetic 6th grade existence, so when a tribe of gothic bat-winged healers called VamPixies give her the chance to leave her troubles behind, she takes it. These otherworldly beings assure her that VamPixies live by the loyalty oath of truth, bravery and friendship; they do not bite, but feed on sugar; they do not take lives, but bestow life instead. But when Lucy arrives in their alternative universe, she discovers that nothing is what it seems and there is more to her mysterious immortal friends than sparkly wings and magical talents. Can she trust them? Lucy soon finds herself dream-hopping her way between her mortal home and the supernatural world, striving to unravel the web of secrets that could save them all.

                 About The Perils of Being VampPixie
Lucy has been feeling rather overly regular. Her father has left his mother to start a new life with a new family. Lucy sees a way out of what she sees as complicated life lately. Near her home there are four enchanting girls that have glittery wings. These girls are VampPixies. Half vampire and half pixies. They seem nice and welcoming to Lucyand Lucy being a very intuitive girl soon realizes the VampPixies wouldn't deny her if she became like them. But in this magical world, the VampPixies belong to it can often be dangerous, especially since there is a locked away being only Lucy can stop. Lucy now must realize being VampPixie is no easy task.

The Perils of Being VampPixie had an excellent plot. Was alaways changing like a panaroma. You will never be completely bored and the character of Lucy is that of a precorious girl on account of how things with her life involving her parent's divorce affected her. Also liked
her how she may even doubt herself but she sees that those around her count on her, so even in moments of frustration she keeps going. That was very strong in a character personality. It's not as if Lucy is this fearless main protagonist, but a person who has doubts and tries to go past them.

Didn't feel like it was the end. There was still an unresolved ending that has to do more with the fact that there is still more to the story. More books to come, maybe.The Perils of Being VampPixie in summary is a fantasy, middle-grade read that is fun, and entertains involving sweet friendships surrounded by magical  forces.                                                                                                                                                 Overall: Touching read
                                                         Genre: Fantasy, Middle-Grade

Available as: Paperback, $7.91,  Kindle Edition (From, $5.99)
Recommended Ages: Younger Audiences                                                                    
Paperback: 272 pgs.
Published: August 10th 2011 by CreateSpace 

                        For This Review: *Book CopyProvided by Author For Review*                                                                       

                                                      About the Author 
PJ Schriever is a children's writer, artist, and toy designer. Originally from Oregon, she studied art and design at Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles. PJ has designed and illustrated costumes for feature films as well as fashion dolls for the likes of
 Mattel and other toy companies. THE PERILS OF BEING VAMPIXIE is her first novel, evolving from a drawing of a bat
 winged girl, and ending as a full length adventure story. Find out more about her book(s) at:


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