Saturday, September 3, 2011

Up Close With the Books Meme

Up Close With the Books Meme
A weekly meme Hosted at Book & Movie Dimension running from Tuesday - Thursday.The goal is to show book covers up close through photos or through video. The inspiration for this came for people who want to get a book that has been on their wishlist yet they aren't sure how the book will look in person. Now we can share photos of how a book looks and help others make their decision.

This I also hope to be a good way along the way for bloggers to get to know each other and learn of new blogs. If you like what you see why not say "hi" and follow each other's blogs. Have fun with the pics and video-making.

Planned to Open For the First time on: September 6, 2011

How To Participate:
Hi, if you're reading this it probably means your considering this meme. Thanks and good luck with it.

---Could you follow my blog? (Not Mandatory)----
The support would really be appreciated. I'll feel like my efforts are taken into consideration by you.

------On Featuring Books-----
1) Books to Showcase: Minimum: 2 Books, Maximum: 4 Books
2) Include Blog button of Up Close With the Books on your posts.
3)Optional: You can include a little commentary along with your pics and videos
Book & Movie Dimension
----Don't Show Any Offensive pics or videos. Keep it to the Books.---
--- Have Fun and Make It Creative---

Want A Follow?
Please leave me comment. If you do, I'll be sure to follow your blog. Oh, and also see my most recent "Up Close With the Books" meme too.

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Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.