Monday, October 3, 2011

Off-site Giveaway Mention: Hard Cover "The Vampire Shrink" Giveaway!

Lynda Hilburn, Paranormal fiction author, is giving away 2 hard cover copies of her British version of The Vampire Shrink. Giveaway ends 11:59 p.m. October 9, 2011.

Over as of 10/9/11- 5:05 am

It's October 3, 2011 so hurry up. As of now, there are only six more days for this fantastic book giveaway.

Sypnosis: The new 2011 version from Quercus/Jo Fletcher Books and Sterling/Silver Oak replaces the 2007 version.

Kismet Knight, PhD, doesn't believe in the paranormal. She especially doesn't believe in vampires, but she begins to wise up when she is introduced to a handsome man named Devereux who claims to be 800 years old. Kismet doesn't buy his vampire story, but she also can't explain why she has such odd reactions and feelings when he is near. Then a client almost completely drained of blood staggers into her waiting room and two angry men force their way into her office, causing her to consider the possibility that she has run afoul of a vampire underworld. Enter FBI profiler Alan Stevens, who warns her that vampires are very real, and one is a murderer—a murderer who is after her.

October Month.
27 Days to Halloween!

~Cassandra The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger

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