Sunday, November 6, 2011

Giveaway Winners-November 6th

Giveaway at Book & Movie Dimension

1st Place = A signed paperback copy of Savor
2nd Place = A free Kindle eBook copy of Savor  (Preferable to give away a Kindle version, but another version if the winner doesn't own a Kindle)
3rd Place = A Savor and Released Bookmark

1st Place Winner: Leigh Ann (The Mis) Adventures of A College Book Addict
2nd Place Winner: What's Beyond Forks?
3rd Place Winner: Gisele Alv

If you don't receive an email from me. Let me know. Contact me through here: blog's review policy and more. Thank you to everyone who entered.


  1. Hello Cassandra thanks for dropping by my site yes it's been awhile I'm quite busy with other stuff lately so yeah how you doin? oh have you seen the show Once upon a time in ABC?it's awesome! I hope you had a happy halloween ^_^

    Congratulations to all the winners ^_~

  2. Kim, yes I have. Can't wait for 8pm today. Such a cute fairytale realistic retelling!

    I'm actually going to blog about the show's pilot soon.


Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.