Wednesday, January 25, 2012 Free E-book of STREETCREDS and CURBCHEK, Hurry lasts 5 days from now!

CurbchekBoth STREETCREDS and CURBCHEK are now available for free download from kindle. Get your copy free for the next 5 days! Download to ipad,iphone,itouch, PC, or smartphone for free!

Zack Fortier let me know about this great deal.
Share with anyone you know!

Curb Check by Zach Frontier
StreetCredsCurbchek is the story of a damaged cop, Zach Fortier. Fortier worked in the police department for the city where he grew up. One foot in the world of the cops, courts and legal system. The other in the world of gangs, drugs, thugs and street violence. Where the laws and rules are made by the strongest, the schemers and most brutal. Read about the transformation of Fortier from a green rookie to a damaged paranoid veteran seeing danger in every situation. Follow along as he walks this tight rope. Trying to make difference, breaking the laws he promised to enforce. This is a story of law and order uncensored.

Review of   STREETCREDS  and  CURBCHEK  coming to the blog soon.

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