Monday, February 6, 2012

A Look at The Blog's Recommendations, New Feature!


Young Adult-Fantasy
  • The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare
-City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

-City of Ashes  by Cassandra Clare

-City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

-City of Fallen Angels  by Cassandra Clare

  •   The Infernal Devices Prequel series
* Prequel series for The Mortal Instruments series*

-Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

-Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare


  • The Steampunk Chronicles by Kady Cross
-The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross

Paranormal Romance
  • The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa
-The Iron King by Julie Kagawa 

-Winter's Passage by Julie Kagawa

-The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa 

-The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa 

-Summer's Crossing by Julie Kagawa

-The Iron Knight by Julie Kagawa
*The only book in the Iron Fey series that is from Prince Ash's point-of-view*

  • Wings by Aprilynne Pike
-Wings by Aprilynne Pike
Learn More:

-Spells by Aprilynne Pike
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-Illusions by Aprilynne Pike
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  • The Blood and Light Vampires series 
- Blood and Light by Rue Volley

-Smoke and Mirrors by Rue Volley
Learn More:

-Oil and Water by Rue Volley
Learn More:

More recommendations to come.

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Reviews: Are not given either positively/negatively based on compensation. Reviews are entirely out of speculative opinion. Put out for readers to ultimately make their decision on a book, movie, and or product. They are honest reviews based on opinion. And ultimately I would never falsify information or exaggerate, given I do not see a benefit in doing so.

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