Sunday, March 11, 2012

Latest in Blog Visiting of the Week of March 5-11th, 2012

Check Out!

The favorite blogs of the week and why their content made them the favorite of the week! 

1. Civilian Reader blog: Have a look at the mini-reviews of Stefan's comic round-ups. Find new comics you might have a taste for. 
Newest comic round-up post @ CR Comics Round-Up (Mar.7) the Second

2. Experiments in Manga blog: New reviews of manga, anime, and other new experiences to do with the subject. 
Newest review takes in Experiments @ Experiments in Manga- My Week in Manga: February 27-March 4, 2012

3. Far Beyond Reality blog: You really have to read Stefan's post of 
Arctic Rising by Tobias Buckell – includes giveaway!
*Day: March 5, 2012*

Have been hearing good things about Arctic Rising as of late. All very good things and hopefully I'll soon get around to saving up for a copy. We'll see. Hope I can hold off on wanting other books at the last minute. 

Take a Look at the Week's Content @ Book & Movie Dimension a Blog

[For those of you that missed anything for the week of March 5-11th, 2012. Only popular posts mentioned below though.]


  • Romance 

Review of Finding Felicity by Monica Marlowe
Quite an impressive novel. For anyone looking for an immensely beautiful romance novel you might want to read the review and maybe get yourself a copy in the near future.
*Day: March 6, 2012*

  • Graphic Novels/Comics

Review of Star Trek Vol. 1 by Mike Johnson
For fans of the Star Trek movie (2009). If you are a graphic novel/comic fan then you should find this volume promising.
*Day: March 9, 2012*

Free Downloads

  • Paranormal Romance 

~Download The Sin Eater's Promise (Of Angels & Demons) from's Kindle Edition~ 

*Day: March 9, 2012*

Discussing the books
[This is a very new post that is just talk about books. Contains lots of spoilers, so more for people who have finished reading the titled novel and would like to see speculation on the novel. If you are interested would to love to hear your thoughts in the comment's section on the disscussion posts.]

Latest: Discussing the Books: The Girl in the Clockwork Collar (The Steampunk Chronicles #2) by Kady Cross
*Day: March 10, 2012* 

That's been for the most part it, in the blog visiting area, for me. Thanks to Stefan at Civilian Reader blog for the idea to this new post idea which will do from now on, every Sunday, to highlight other blogs' content I frequent with gusto and also popular posts of the week of my blog. So visit his: 

The Week in Review (Mar.4-10) similar to Latest in Blog Visiting but a bit different.


Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.