Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Giveaway of The Devil's Scribe (A Short story in The Taker Trilogy) by Alma Katsu

After decades of running from her past, Lanore McIlvrae returns to America for the first time in 20 years to confront the source of her fear. The year is 1846 and Lanore—Lanny—has just landed in Baltimore after a long transatlantic crossing. That very night, she meets an “unattractive man with a high forehead and sunken eyes, and a tiny, pinched mouth like a parrot’s beak” who claims to write stories so dark and unsettling that he could be the Devil’s Scribe. His name? Edgar Allan Poe. Has Lanny finally met her match in this macabre man…or is it the other way around?
The Taker Trilogy

 [Soon The Reckoning (Book 2 of The Taker Trilogy) by Alma Katsu will be reviewed as part of a one-day (Thursday, June 21st) Online Book Tour stop @ Book & Movie Dimension a Blog. In other words, do not forget as an online book tour there are other stops on other blogs.]



*Note: Giveaway has ended. It is now closed. *

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