Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Blogger to Blogger Interview with Sarah from Sarah's Reviews

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1. Sarah its nice of you to reach out to me as a blogger for an interview. Why did you become a book blogger? What's your blog's vision motto?

Originally, I started book blogging because I wanted to learn how to write book reviews, but my focus quickly shifted to content based reviews. My goal now, as a blogger, is to provide readers with short enjoyable reviews that mention if the book contains profanity, violence, gore, sexuality, etc. Some people take this information as encouragement, while others decide its not for them. My goal is simply to give them the information (in general terms so as not to ruin the story) and let them decide for themselves!

2. How long have you been blogging?

Almost 2 years! I started the end of July 2010

3. Was it hard to blog the first few days? How is it now?

Yes. With so much time necessary to reading the books before I can even begin to write the reviews, I'd say blogging was definitely hard both then and now. Although I like to think I'm better at it now. :-) 

4. What are you currently working on in your blogging?

I just started hosting giveaways. It's a new and scary step, but one I'm very excited about!

5. What has to have been your most fondest blogging moment in terms of blog posting? Least favorite?

My favorite would have to be the first time I posted a review that got a significant number of views, it really gave me hope that I would figure this blogging thing out. 
I don't think I have a least favorite moment. There are definitely moments of stress about getting reviews out in a timely manner, but no one time I can think of. 

6. If you have interviewed any authors already which would you say were your favorite authors that you felt lucky to be able to do so?

Well, I've only interviewed two authors so far, so I guess they were both my favorites. :)

7. What advice would you personally give to book bloggers as they move through their blogging?

Figure out how to schedule posts out in advance so you can take a breather when you need to. Writing reviews for the months ahead has really helped me keep my blog regular when life throws in surprises!

8. Favorite blogs you visit, Sarah?

More than I could possibly mention here. A couple of my favorites are: A Pathway To Books (http://tessmw.blogspot.com/), Between The Bind (http://betweenthebind.blogspot.com), Incandescent Enchantments (http://incandescentenchantments.blogspot.com/) and, of course, Dimension A Blog!

9. Moving away from all things blogging.  What do you like to do when not blogging?

As a mommy and a wife, I love spending time with my family, reading, writing, and playing music! 

See at: http://sarahsbookreviews1.blogspot.com/2012/07/blogger-interview-5-introducing.html the Blogger to Blogger Interview in which Sarah interviews me!

Sarah, The Book Blogger

  • Wife
  • Mother
  • Reader
  • Writer
  • Follower of Jesus Christ

Summer 2010 I finished writing the first draft of a fantasy novel.
Since then I have been slowly trying to learn the finer points of editing ones own work. 

God willing I will be published in a few years, but I have every intention of taking the time to get it right before actively pursuing publication.

I write three blogs on top of Sarah's reviews: Weeding Your WritingWisdom in Ecclesiastes, and Maximizing Tips. I encourage you to check them out. 

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