Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Boxcar Baby Online Book Tour: The Boxcar Baby by J.L. Mulvihill

The Boxcar Baby Online Book Tour is brought to you by Tomorrow Comes Media!
By the way this is the last blog on the Online Book Tour. 

Check out the Blogs on the Tour
9/23    Come Selahway With Me                                                     Contest
9/23    Fantastical Adventures Through the Paper Realm                        Review
9/23    The Flipside of Julianne                                                         Top Ten List
9/24    Jess Resides Here                                                                   Guest Post
9/24    Beagle Book Space                                                                Promo Spotlight
9/25    Sheila Deeth                                                                           Guest Post
9/25    Spellbindings                                                                         Promo Spotlight
9/25    Lost Inside the Covers                                                           Review
9/26    A TiffyFit’s Reading Corner                                                   Review
9/26    Azure Dwarf                                                                           Promo Spotlight
9/26    Rachel Tsoumbakos                                Character Interview & Review
9/26    A Daydreamer’s Thought                                                      Author Interview
9/27    Armand Rosamilia, Author                                                   Guest Post
9/27    Kayla’s Reads and Reviews                                                   Promo Spotlight
9/28    WTF Are You Reading?                                                          Review
9/28    Bee’s Knees Reviews                                                              Guest Post
9/28    Word to Dreams                                                                    Promo Spotlight
9/29    The Cabin Goddess                                                                Interview
9/29    Illuminite Calginosus                                                             Promo Spotlight
9/29    Laurie’s Thoughts and Reviews                    Character Interview
9/29    JeanzBookReadNReview                                                       Guest Post
9/29    Jorie Loves a Story                                                              Review
9/29    Book and Movie Dimension                                                 Review

Born in a boxcar on a train bound for Georgia. At least that is what Papa Steel always told AB’Gale. But now, fifteen years later, the man who adopted and raised her as his own is missing and it’s up to AB’Gale to find him. Aided only by a motley gang of friends, AB’Gale train hops her way across the United States in a desperate attempt to find her papa and put her life and family back the way it was. Her only guide is a map given to her by a mysterious hobo, with hand written clues she found hidden in her papa’s spyglass. Here is the Great American Adventure in an alternate steampunk dystopian world, where fifteen-year-old AB’Gale Steel learns that nothing is as it seems, but instead is shrouded in secrets and mysteries … and that monsters come in all shapes and forms.
The Boxcar Baby is the first book of the Steel Roots series.’

Recommended: Yes!

Review: The Boxcar Baby
                                                  Recommended Ages: 15 and Up
                                                            Paperback: 274 pgs.
PublishedJuly 12, 2013

                                  For This Review: *Paperback Copy Provided for Review Purposes*

The Boxcar Baby was a book labeled as Steampunk Fantasy-esque and for that very reason may have wanted to review in The Boxcar Baby Book Tour. 

When actually sat down to read it took me about two weeks to read primarily since had a lot going in my studies which anyone who reads the blog may know. The Boxcar Baby was a pleasant surprise since considered the fact that if it was one of those books, you know, the type that if you don't finish in about three to four days you'll lose your place in the story or worse yet lose interest in said book. It was a pleasant surprise again since this never actually happened and every time continued each day little by little as the story progressed. In my mind always really wanted to know what will happen next. Such books have to say are the true showmanship of a good book that keeps you reading long into the night. Granted the premise seemed to be very mysterious to begin with but in reality actually wasn't sure what to expect. Any reader hopes for the best if discovering a book as a treasure.

The Boxcar Baby concerns AB’Gale or Abby who's father goes missing and she must look for her father who doesn't happen to be her real father but she must since she's grown to see him as her real father. Another reason she must find him is if she doesn't she will be shipped off to a working house where she will be forced to do manual labor for life. Her search brings her incredible adventure and terrible danger where she learns through experience monsters come all over the place from regular people to real-life monsters.

In reading there were many times that thought that AB’Gale was such a charismatic and strong character. Her language granted is very hilarious to me since sometimes comes off very un-educated but given that read the synopsis of on the book description on The Boxcar Baby being written with a Southern influence I can see why this might apply to AB’Gale's language. AB’Gale is just one of the characters that is very well-written since over her many adventures in Book One of the Steel Roots Series , AB’Gale, meets various other characters. All of them give off their own unique presence to the story.  One of the main qualities that loved though of The Boxcar Baby was that it began with a more non Fantasy way of life for the main heroine and turned into the more Fantasy side of things toward the end. Readers will be surprised at this since you would tend to expect it might just be fiction with no out of the ordinary Fantasy.

J.L. Mulvihill is quite a talented writer and think she has such a creative mind to come up with this Steampunk Southern American Adventure. Book One of the Steel Roots series is so wonderful and I am extremely excited to see what will happen in Book Two. There are many directions it could head next.
Overall: Amazing read!
Genre: Science Fiction, Steampunk, Fantasy, Adventure, Romance

The Author
J.L. Mulvihill was born in Hollywood and raised in San Diego, CA, J.L. Mulvihill has made Mississippi her home for the past fifteen years. Her debut novel was the young adult title The Lost Daughter of Easa, an engaging fantasy novel bordering on science-fiction with a dash of steampunk, published through Kerlak Publishing.  The Boxcar Baby, the first novel of her Steel Roots Series, was released by Seventh Star Press in the summer of 2013.
J.L. also has several short fiction pieces in publication, among them “Chilled Meat”, a steampunk thriller found in the Dreams of Steam II-Of Bolts and Brass, anthology (Kerlak Publishing) and “The Leprechaun’s Story”, a steampunk urban Fantasy found in the anthology, Clockwork, Spells, & Magical Bells (Kerlak Publishing)
J.L. is very active with the writing community, and is the events coordinator for the Mississippi Chapter of Imagicopter known as the Magnolia-Tower.  She is also a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), Gulf Coast Writers Association (GCWA), The Mississippi Writers Guild (MWG), as well as the Arts Council of Clinton, and the Clinton Ink-Slingers Writing Group.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for review from Tomorrow Comes Media from the author as part of a virtual book tour. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


A new podcast episode of my new anime podcast has been uploaded on Youtube. Episode 2.

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