Saturday, August 30, 2014

Accidentally... Over? By Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Excerpts and Giveaway!

If you've read my review, you will know how much I adore this book. (If you haven't, check out my post here). And! You're in luck! Below you'll find a giveaway for your chance to win a copy of the ENTIRE Accidentally Yours series, as well as some more excerpts to whet your appetite!(US/Canada only - sorry!)
 As if that wasn't awesome enough, there's also a chance for one lucky reader to get a copy of Accidentally... Over! (again, only open to the US/Canadian readers).
So get entering and Good luck!

 Excerpt no.2

Máax stared down at the hysterical, screaming woman. He was about to offer a few calming words, such as “Shut the hell up,” but then something peculiar happened.
What the fuu . . . ? He stumbled to the side but caught himself. He’d never experienced anything so unusual, so potent. But what was it? It didn’t hurt. No, quite the opposite. It felt like a sack of fucking wonderful dropped on his head.
Máax looked at the woman once more, and it hit him again.
He gasped. She was doing this to him? How? There was no logical explanation, other than . . .
He lost his train of thought. Gods, she is magnificent.
Holy Christ! He stepped back and stared at Ashli. Is that . . . Am I . . . ? He was drooling! Like a hungry dog!

The odd, euphoric sensation hit him again, nearly tumbling him over. Nothing in his seventy thousand years of existence could help him articulate the sensation. It was as if the damned woman had jumped inside his body, soldered herself to every molecule of his light, and then sucked away any rational thought. The hollow pit in his chest, one he hadn’t known existed, felt instantly placated. That spot now felt warm and mushy. The center of gravity shifted from beneath his feet toward the direction of the woman and began pulling him to her like a shooting star.

Oh, shit. She’s my mate? He took two more steps back. No. No. Hell no! But how? And why now? He’d never asked the Universe for a mate. He didn’t want this. He didn’t want to be tethered to some . . . some weak mortal woman, or any woman for that matter. Where was the godsdamned logic in that? For fuck sake, he was a lone wolf—answered to no one and nothing. And he was invisible, went where he liked when he liked. (For the time being, anyway.) After he went on trial for his recent multitude of offenses, he’d be entombed for a very, very, very . . . yes, very fucking long time! And now this, this . . . woman had messed it all up! Filii canis! Now he was truly going to suffer. He’d have something to miss!
Then another truth dawned on him. Cimil set me up! Again! He was going to kill her. And, gods fucking dammit, did the woman—this, this, Ashli—have to be so godsdamned hot?
Infernum. Her beauty was beyond that of any deity. Dark golden-brown skin, hair like black-licorice ribbons wild about her face and trailing down her back, and exotic eyes, turning up in the corners like a feline’s. And her lips . . . Her lips were plump and full, just the sort a man longs to feel sliding over every inch of his—

Get a hold of yourself, man! But holy saints she was hot. What was he going to do?
Why don’t you start by saving her, asshole?

Right. First things first, though; he had to get her to stop screaming. “Ashli, I command you to stop screaming.”

Her beautiful hazel eyes widened, and she bolted toward the dusty, narrow road that ran along the beachfront.

Sanguine ad infernum! She’s running away? “Ashli, I command you to stop. I won’t hurt—”
A large silver bus came out of nowhere. “No!”


Excerpt no.3

Bloody deity infernum! Máax’s head throbbed with a pain so severe it reminded him of the time he’d accidentally been stepped on by Cimil’s unicorn. Giant fucking thing thought it was some sort of lapdog but weighed the same as an elephant.

So what had that bloody woman hit him with? A garbage truck? No way was that a simple shovel.

In any case, it knocked a few of his marbles loose because he didn’t recall freeing himself or making his way inside her house. But he had. In fact, he’d made it to her bed, and now Ashli lay beside him, sound asleep. How long had he been out, and how the hell had she fallen asleep without noticing a very large man in her bed?

Because you’re invisible and were lucky enough to pass out on the side of the bed she doesn’t use.

Carefully, he edged off the bed, trying not to disturb her. Ashli rolled over and flung her arm over his chest. Deorum inferorum. Máax sucked in a deep breath.
“You smell so good,” she mumbled.

She talks in her sleep? For some reason he found that adorable. “What cologne is that?” she added. His natural scent. All gods produced a pleasing aromatic cocktail of pheromones. He supposed it was nature’s subtle way of disarming humans, making it less likely for them to freak out and realize they were in the presence of something not quite human.

Ironically, he felt like the one being lulled by Ashli’s scent. He’d never smelled a more enticing fragrance: tropical flowers mixed with a slight hint of those roasted chili peppers from her kitchen and fresh ocean air. Gods, the scent was just as exotic as the woman. Add to that, Ashli seemed to enjoy the ocean, his passion, as much as he did. If he could live his entire existence on the beach, he would. The air, the tropical breeze, the soft sand . . . there was nothing better than swimming in the waves or surfing when the opportunity arose, though it had been a very long time. Isn’t such a smart idea to surf when you’re invisible. A lone surfboard, carving a wave on its own, looks a bit strange. Nor was it smart to lay next to Ashli, enjoy the warmth of her touch while sniffing her hair, or allow himself to grow extremely aroused. Which he had. Idiot. What was the point? So he could remind himself what he was missing out on? Once this was all over, which it would be because he never failed, they’d both move on. Him to some cold, dark tomb probably buried somewhere in a remote swamp where no one would find him for a million years. And Ashli—she would find some nice human to spend her mortal days with.

Or perhaps one of your brothers. After all, Cimil prophesied that twenty years from now, Ashli would broker peace between his brethren. That meant she’d meet them all. And Ashli was a catch, not to mention the one person on the planet destined to save them all. How? He had no clue. Yes, clearly the woman had her attributes—sexy as hell attributes—but aside from that, she seemed quite normal. Nevertheless, being savior of the planet would grant her instant celebrity status and boatloads of attention. She’d have men lining up around the block.

He balled his fists, then let go. All for the best. Because he didn’t want her. Much. And he certainly didn’t need the distractions; this was one mission he couldn’t afford to fail.
He sighed and Ashli flinched. Máax lifted his head, ready to make a mad dash from the room if she woke up, but found himself entranced. Her plump lips and golden skin; her dark lashes, fanning along the crease of her catlike eyes; her hair a wild mass of thick black curls. He had no idea of her heritage, but never had there been a more seductive female in existence.

His eyes swept down the length of her small athletic frame covered only in a flimsy white sundress. Next to his large body, Ashli appeared more petite than she really was.
An urge to dominate her, to take her right there, sparked.

Or perhaps you’d enjoy the opposite. Yes, he’d enjoy the feel of her lithe, lean figure straddling him, riding his cock.

Hell, man. That’s enough, you horny bastard. “Fuck this,” he hissed and slipped quickly from the bed before he did something he regretted. Like kiss her.

Or motorboat her.
You randy bastard.
He needed to go for a swim. Yes, the ocean water would cool him down. The ocean always made him feel better, like being home.


Answer the following question in the comments section below, the winner will be chosen randomly on Tuesday the 9th of September:
What God, Mayan, Greek, Egyptian, Roman, Norse, Celtic, Icelandic or otherwise would you most like to read about, and why?  

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