Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Author Guest Post: Writing in a Variety of Genres by Pembroke Sinclair

I write an eclectic mix of stories.  I’ve written Western (modern, not historical), horror, sci fi, fantasy, and nonfiction.  I’ve written adult, YA, middle grade, and children’s books.  I’ve written short stories, novelettes, and novels.  And the reason I do is to get better at writing.

I try not to limit myself to one type of story or one genre because I don’t think it’s fair to me.  I strive to become a better writer, and I believe that challenging myself in different ways will make me that way.  I’m sure there are those out there who think mastering one genre will be more beneficial instead of trying to master all of them, but that’s not what I’m trying to do.  I’m trying to tell a story, and I’m not going to stifle my ability just because it may not fit into a particular category.

Shifting gears between genres isn’t difficult.  When a story pops into my head, it’s pretty insistent about how it wants to be written, and it doesn’t shut up until it’s on the page.  When one is done, another is usually waiting right behind it.

I don’t think I would ever try to write more than one story at the same time.  I’ve thought about it.  I’ve thought about working on a young adult novel and a middle grade book, but I don’t think either one would turn out.  I wouldn’t be able to give either my full attention, and that’s what each story needs.

I would like to tell you that I have a favorite genre to write in, that sci fi is my favorite or I’m only going to write fantasy, but that’s not true.  I will say, however, that I’ve discovered I enjoy writing young adult novels a touch more than adult books.  One of the reasons for this is because my characters get to be naive—and most of them are.  There’s something exciting and fun about writing a coming of age story, so my recent works have fallen more into the young adult category.

I’ve discovered in the years that I’ve been writing that novels are my favorite to create.  All of the other forms (short stories, flash fiction, novelettes, etc.) have their place, and I enjoy reading them, but I really savor taking the time to flesh out my characters and to let them tell their story in as many pages as they need.  I enjoyed attempting to write short stories, and it was a good exercise in brevity, but it wasn’t me.  

Writing should be about what makes you happy.  If that means writing in one genre, do it.  If that means experimenting with different things, go for it.  Whatever you do, just write.

Wucaii by Pembroke Sinclair is available on Amazon!

About the Author

Pembroke Sinclair is a literary jack of all trades, playing her hand at multiple genres. She has written an eclectic mix of fiction ranging from horror to sci-fi and even some westerns. Born in Rock Springs, Wyoming--the home of 56 nationalities--it is no wonder Pembroke ended up so creatively diverse. Her fascination with the notions of good and evil, demons and angels, and how the lines blur have inspired her writing. Pembroke lives in Laramie, Wyoming, with her husband, two spirited boys, a black lab named Ryder, and a rescue kitty named Alia, who happens to be the sweetest, most adorable kitty in the world! She cannot say no to dessert, orange soda, or cinnamon. She loves rats and tatts and rock and roll and wants to be an alien queen when she grows up.

You can learn more about Pembroke Sinclair by visiting her at:
Her blog: http://pembrokesinclair.blogspot.com/

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