Wednesday, March 1, 2023

I started a TK from Ling tosite sigure TKPG fan forum!

TK from Ling tosite sigure Unofficial TKPG fan forum:

It is something that I had not seen before so I figured to start one since I wanted a place I could talk about TK without the toxicity of sites like and Reddit. Which are not made for discussion when things are driven by majority opinion. You cannot really have an open, civil discussion if people feel the need to attack others or downvote you based on an upvote/downvote system. While social media is not a great place for fandom either since discussions really do not start there. Usually people only leave brief comments and that is that.

This is why on a forum as someone who is a TK superfan I can moderate and keep things civil while providing resources to potential fans of TK from Ling tosite sigure music. While healthier discussion around TK and the music is the goal I am also just fine with me using it as a place to archive TK content and resources for people into TK music.

I see myself updating 6 times out of a year (every 2 months) given I am unsure about devoting more time than that to it. But I am excited! Especially when I find it unbelievable how nobody had created a fan forum for TK from Ling tosite sigure. That's crazy many music artists have them and he is creating some of the best if not the best music in the world.

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