Friday, August 5, 2011

A Movie Review: Agora (2009)

From the Official sypnosis which goes like this: A historical drama set in Roman Egypt, concerning a slave who turns to the rising tide of Christianity in the hopes of pursuing freedom while also falling in love with his master, the famous female philosophy professor and atheist Hypatia of Alexandria.

Agora was a complete surprise. Well not, its movie cover itself lures movie watchers. Feels like it calls to you. The acting was reminiscent of a sad and beautiful performance.  An actor that should be well-known was Rachel Weisz. You will cry at times with her charismatic performance. She's that good. A movie that tugs at your heart (and yes I am aware how cliched that sounds but it is true). 

During a period where Christians and Pagans were at odds there was this one woman, Hypatia of Alexandria, that was completely strong and intelligent. A slave boy under her household resents the rule of his master and soon turns to Christianity in the hopes of ridding himself of slavery. At the same time being in love with his master's daughter. As he pursues his freedom the world during this period becomes such a chaotic mess. Done well and the added romance included though not historically accurate made it even more beautiful. One of the good historical period movies of recent years.
Genre: Historical Drama


  1. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the Friday Blog hop! I'd love it if you'd follow back at one or all of my blogs :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Hi Cassandra. Looks interesting. Thanks

  3. Cool blog! Thanks for following mine. :)


  4. Haven't heard of this one, but I like the sound of Hypatia!


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