Friday, August 5, 2011

Cover Weekend Blog Hop

This is a brand new meme (Hosted by Socrate's Book Reviews) to display all those beautiful, funny, crazy and even those that make you think book covers you come across each week. I don't know about the rest of you, but I love looking at different book covers. You may not be able to judge a book by its cover, but they are sure fun to look at. So, if you'd like to join in the fun, all you have to do is...

A new read that I will be reading soon & reviewing. Don't read a lot of Women's Fiction but am completely open about new ideas. What does everyone think... Anybody (Feel free to comment)

1 comment:

  1. Love the cover! Thanks for participating. I'm putting this book on my shopping list.


Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.