Monday, September 5, 2011

Ain't No Bull Book Tour: Review & Giveaway of Ain't No Bull (The Veil # 4) by Danica Avet

             Author, Danica Avet's book is touring today September 9, 2011 (Tuesday) and I'm a participant. I also get to close with a review and giveaway of her book. This book is , book four, in a series but can be read as a standalone. Really recommend!         

Isola “Izzy” Malone is proud to be an Amazon. After years of roaming, she finally finds a home with the Blood Maiden Tribe. But contentment made her wild which is how Izzy ends up exiled to Middle-of-Nowhere, Wyoming. The most fun she can look forward to is rescuing a dumb bull from a group of nymphs. Only he isn’t a bull, but a minotaur. A really hot, sexy, big minotaur.

Grant Strickland isn’t ready to commit to a harem of placid cow-swans; not yet. But when he’s accosted by a crazy Amazon who’s determined to “save” him, he thinks the whole mating thing might be worth a try. Trouble follows Izzy, but it’ll take both of them to stop it from becoming war. Grant will use his skills, and cheat, to show Izzy where she really belongs is with him as her mate.

                                                                          About Ain't No Bull
Ain't No Bull encounters Isola Malone or as her friends call her Izzy, an Amazon woman warrior, fuming over being exiled from Louisiana to Wyoming. Just as she thought things we going fine some nymphs come by kidnapping a bull. Isola can't help it, she feels she has to stop these wacky nymphs from hurting it. Then to her surprise the nymphs her talk badly about her ass, so naturally she can't let them get away with that. Get ready for some serious girl-on-girl fighting. The bull Isola saves though isn't at all what it appears to be. It seems it's the key to Ormond Steele's devious plan. Isola must now figure out what in the world is going on. The Not-Bull wont stop at trying to romance her even though Isola is a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a man especially one who distracts her so much.
Ain't No Bull had a lot of Isola's adventures wrapped into it. As Isola meets Grant ,the bull, who also appears to shift to a man. She realizes that he has a plan in motion to get her to be his life mate if only she agrees to it. But Isola isn't going down without a fight. Isola throws insults and is a total badass which had me laughing out loud in delight at times. Then the moments between her and Grant were so amazingly sexy. Found myself looking forward to the romance moments between them everytime. 

                                                           Overall: Amazing read!
                                                         Genre: Paranormal Romance
                                                                        My Star Review 5 of 5 stars
                                                                         Buy Options 

For This Review:  *Advance Reader Copy Provided  by Publisher at Netgalley *

Recommended Ages: 17 and Up          
Available as: E-book
Published: July 13th 2011 by Siren-Bookstrand, Inc.

           For This Review:  *Book Copy Provided For Review through Book Tour*

                                                              About the Author 
Danica Avet was born and raised in the wilds of South Louisiana (that would be somewhere around Houma). where mosquitoes are big enough to carry off small children and there are only two seasons: hot and hotter. With a BA in History, she figured there were enough fry cooks in the world and decided to try her hand at writing. For eight years, she played at writing but in 2008, she decided to get serious and began down the rocky road to publication. 
Unmarried with no children, Danica is the lucky pet owner compulsively needy dog and two cats. The pitter-patter of little feet has been known to make her break out into a cold sweat. 
Writing ishow she gives the voices in her head a way out. They speak to her constantly wanting their stories told and she does her best to accommodate them. She writes Paranormal Romance and may eventually branch out to contemporaries. When she isn't writing, working, contemplating the complexities of the universe, she spends time gathering inspiration from her insane family, reads far more than any sane person would want to, and watches the burly men chase an oblong ball over the field.

Also by Danica Avet
Siren Classic: The Veil: Ruby Uncut and On the Loose, Siren Classic: The Veil 2: Succubus-in-Waiting, Siren Classic: The Veil 3: Lifestyles of the Fey and Dangerous.
Available at:
Siren Publishing, Inc.:


One commenter, to be picked at random, to win a PDF copy of Ain't No Bull and a pack of trading cards.  If there are more than 10 commenters, then there will be a double giveaway with the FIRST winner receiving a copy of Ain't No Bull and a pack of trading cards and the SECOND place winner getting just a set of trading cards.

Be a GFC follower or Network Follower of Book & Movie Dimension.
Leave a comment and e-mail address to enter this great giveaway.

**If you share on a social networking site I'd love your fantastic self!**

Tour Participants 
8/29: Laurie's Thoughts & Reviews (Interview/Giveaway)
8/30: Bab's Book Bistro (Guest Post/Excerpt)
8/31: Close Encounters with the Night Kind (Review/Giveaway)
9/1: Deep In the Heart Romance (Guest Post/Excerpt)
9/2: Escape by Fiction (Review/Giveaway)
9/5: Bea's Book Nook (Guest Post/Excerpt)
9/6: Book & Movie Dimension (Review/Giveaway)


Tracy Smith said...

Great review and recommendation. Sounds good! Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

countrysunset40 (at) aol dot com

Danica Avet said...

Cassandra - Thanks for the great review!

Tracy - It's almost my favorite story in the Veil series...but I can't play favorites, really.

Nora Weston said...

Super fun post! "Ain't No Bull" sounds really great. :)

Danica Avet said...

Thanks, Nora! It's definitely full of laughs :)

Cassandra @ Book & Movie Dimension a Blog said...

Thanks Danica.
And everyone here today,your so very much into a treat with this book.

Cathy M said...

Such an imaginative storyline, it has me wanting to read the other books in this series, too.

gfc follower
cathy m
caity_mack at yahoo dot com

latishajean said...

What a great review I would love to read this book sounds really good! thank you for the great giveaway! Im a GFC follower/latishajean

Danica Avet said...

Cathy - thanks! I hope you give the Veil series a chance :)

Latisha - Good luck in the giveaway!

jacque said...

Okay...I love this premise...why haven't I heard of Danica before? Thx for the chance!!!
twinmomx5 at gmail

Bea said...

I haven't read the book but I've read some excerpts and it sounds like it's funny. I do like some humor with my romance.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a book I would like thanks lisapeters at yahoo dot com and I follow as Lisa gfc

Unknown said...

Sounds like an amazing read;) count me in!

Danica Avet said...

Jacque - LOL, well here I am!

Lisa - Good luck in the giveaway!

Nikki - Thanks! Hope you get a chance to read it :)

Unknown said...

Great review..I think I would be fuming if I got banished to Wyoming!

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