Wednesday, September 14, 2011

BBAW Day 4: Reading and Blogging

We have no blogs without books! Today’s topic explores that even more!
Book bloggers blog because we love reading. Has book blogging changed the way you read? Have you discovered books you never would have apart from book blogging? How has book blogging affected your book acquisition habits? Have you made new connections with other readers because of book blogging? Choose any one of these topics and share your thoughts today!
Cassandra (The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger) says: 
My Photo
It has on many levels. Before book blogging, I had never really taken an interest in reading books beyond Big publishing houses but through book blogging learned there existed self-published authors. Authors that just want to get there books out there. To me that says a lot. That these authors are willing to stick their necks out to readers in hopes that we'll love their books. That's bravery. A few of the books I have read that are self-published books are The Fallen Star by Jessica Sorensen. She sure can write and secretly I'm a one of her I bet many fans (not so secret now). And proud of it. Then there is R.J. Gonzales with his Mundahlia book which I did a review here on the blog.  So yeah, book blogging has changed the way I read. Have grown to discover the world of Indie  and self-published authors.
First year participating in Book Blogger Appreciation Week!


  1. Hi Cassandra, I stopped by after reading your feature on Tracy's Treasure of Books and saw that you are a participant in the BBAW. yes, I agree. book bloggers have definitely given self published and INDIE houses a place to voice their stories.

  2. Great post!! :D haha Thanks you so so much for all you have done!!

  3. Good point, as I would never have looked twice at self-published books and indie houses before I became a blogger!

  4. That's interesting that book blogging helped you laern about self-published books! I don't read many s-p books, but there are a surprising amount of good ones out there.


Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.