Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Live Chat: Interview with Franz McLaren author of the "Clarion of Destiny" series

Author, Franz McLaren who has written  an eight book epic fantasy series out named "Clarion of Destiny" is at Book & Movie Dimension. The first volume "Home Lost" is free on at:
and on Barnes & Noble at: .

See Books Here:

If you want to learn more about the Author we have an author interview here. Done via Live Chat on September 12, 2011 at around 7 p.m.
About Franz McLaren, The Author
Franz was born in South Carolina and raised in Pennsylvania. He spent time in 48 out of the 50 United States, and lived in Japan, Germany, and South Africa. Franz has also spent significant time in half a dozen European countries. All of this leads to a more sedate lifestyle now, but a vivid imagination.

Live Chat of September 12, 2011 at around 7 p.m.
The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger: Tell us about your epic fantasy series?

Franz (The Author): My series is entitled "Clarion of Destiny" It is a coming of age tale about a young girl who finds herself in possession of one of the most powerful talisman's in her world. She is a half-trained hedge witch that is selected by destiny to face one of the greatest threats her world has ever seen.

The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger: What was the inspiration for your series from real life, if any?

Franz (The Author): Wow, that question covers a lot of territory. Let's just say that my childhood lacked a bit. I was forced on many occassions with difficult situations. As much as I hate to admit it, many times I failed to live up to my own expectatioons. So, in Leena (my protagonist,) I developed the traits I wish I had had. And along the way I tried to slide in a few lessons that I have learned in life.

The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger: Franz,you did use lots of your life's experiences to create your series. So as a person what got you going for the fantasy genre?

Franz (The Author): As a child I spent a great deal of time living in my head in worlds that I had created. I felt comfortable there. In my fantasies I was in control and I always knew how best to solve any problem. So it was natural that, when I finally decided that I would like to share my voice with the world, I did it through fantasy. In my books my characters my not always be in coontrl, they may have doubts, but they are always ready to face whatever the world throws at them.

The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger: When your not being an author what can you be found doing?

 Franz (The Author): By day I am a logistics consultant. The definintion of that is a totally bored person working at a job that has far, far too many numbers.

The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger: Interesting ,so you do writing as a second job?

Franz (The Author): No, I do writing as a first job. It just does not pay enough to live on (yet). I write all of the time no matter were I am or what I am doing. I may not be putting it all on paper but I see the world as an unfolding story that constantly presents plot lines and side stories. Someday I hope to be able to dedicate myself solely to writing.

The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger: That's a lovely quote, Franz. Before we wrap up, what do you want to tell readers reading?

Franz (The Author): I see writing as primarily a way to connect to others. I've never leaned to outline and I rarley sit down with a fixed idea in mind. What I do is put a bit of myself on paper and hope that I connect with a few people that will want to connect with me in return. So far I have been lucky and have found that I have touched a few people deeply. I look forward to having more readers connect back so that I can provide meaningful communication in return through my books. And, thank you to everyone that has responded. I feel we have moved a bit closer.


From Barnes and Noble:

I was swallowed up in this imaginative ADVENTURE!!

This is volume 1 of an 8 volume adventure. I was unabashedly carried away into his warm and magical adventure.. Mclaren's character development, imagination and adventurous tale became a passion.........and I am waiting to pounce on his next volume.. I devoured volume 1 and 2 - he has just released volume smashbooks (it has to go through a stringent review process before it is released to Barnes and Nobel--I am a Nook reader)............and I am anxiously awaiting it's release. He is currently editing book 4. How do I know, because he responded to my email........(how wonderful!) and filled me in. Obviously, his story and writing style really appealed to me. Good BUY!

From Smashswords:
Review by: Elizabeth Kirke on Sep. 13, 2011 : star star star star star This was a great read! The reader is pulled in right from the prologue and can't put it down! The main character, Leena, is chosen by a magical tree to get the Garlan branch: a powerful wand. Thus begins a chain of events that sends Leena on a perilous journey north to find the Great Wizard. Along the way she meets a number of fantastic characters, allies and enemies alike! The characters are all well developed and it is clear that the author put a great deal of thought into the plot and the backstory as well. Leena is still young and untrained and the reader gets to watch her grow and mature as the novel progresses. McLaren paints a beautiful world and the reader can just immerse themselves in it. I felt like I was shivering along with Leena in the cold. Home Lost, the first novel in the Clarion of Destiny series, ended with a satisfying conclusion, but - as any good book in a series does - left the reader wanting more. I highly recommend this book and can't wait to start the next one!
(review of free book)

Review by: Kim Pursley on June 01, 2011 : star star star star star
I wasn't sure that I would like this series but W.O.W!! I love them.
(review of free book)
From reviews:

's review 
Mar 04, 11

2 of 5 stars

This book was a freebie on my nook. It is a story of heroine, Leena, and her quest to save her family and country from an evil wizard. The book is clean, no foul language or sex. The story was simple and easy to follow. There are several chapters of first person monologue while Darius tells his story. Those got a little dull. That said, I was curious enough about Leena's fate that I bought the next few books. Fast, easy, simple read.

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