Saturday, September 10, 2011

Blog Finds (2)- Sunday

Blog Finds
**If you want to be posted then leave a comment. To post each Sunday. Next Sunday could be your turn. Five blogs will be posted**
All you need is wanting to be posted as a listing under Blog Finds.
Blog Finds are blogs found that are unique or have some interesting content.

Reading Romances    

                                                  READING ABOUT PEOPLE FALLING IN LOVE.

Find Thoughts: Nice delicate layout and contains many romance reviews and also occasionally giveaways. Even romance author reviews. A romance fan, this is your blog to read.

Blood and Magick Series 
(Author book blog)
Book series by Morrigan Michee, and Misty Carmony

    Find Thoughts:  Looks like a great paranormal fantasy series. Available I believe in e-book and print.

    Blood Rose Reviews
    From paranormal to action adventure, but not really anything strictly in the romance genre.

    Find Thoughts:  Love the books.


    A Book-Affair (cuz I love having salacious affairs with my books)

    Find Thoughts: Reviews of paranormal and urban fantasy.


    My Photo

    Ordinary Joe. That's me. Except it's not, not really. The cries of those who have died echo constantly in my head. That's why I'm in the asylum - for the drugs, to help me forget, to help it stop. It's a pity it doesn't work. This blog is my diary, after a fashion. My own personal therapy. Views, 'insights' and stories about those I meet and my experiences in the asylum. Enjoy...

    Find Thoughts: For diary and musing blog readers.

    The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger:

    Really hope you visit some blogs and I loved getting to know some of these blogs. Love blog browsing this past week.


    Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

    If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.