Saturday, September 10, 2011

Interview & Giveaway with Debra Brown author of "The Companion of Lady Holmeshire"

Debra Brown is an author of Historical Romance. She's here are at Book & Movie Dimension to talk about her books. Have seen some of her books by the way and I'm sure you'll love them.

Author Interview 
Questions and Answers 

1. Tell us a little about your books that are available?

                                                                   Debra Brown (The Author)

Debra Brown (The Author): Thanks for having me here at Book and Movie Dimension! My book, The Companion of Lady Holmeshire, is about a foundling infant, Emma, who grew up to become the companion of a widowed countess in early Victorian England. She has eyes for the son of the countess, the young Earl, though he is engaged by arrangement to a London lady. Emma is dragged along into snobbish aristocratic society and is quite unwelcome by some as a former servant girl with no pedigree. The story becomes humorous as romantic entanglements develop, mysterious as the women are followed by odd characters and surprising in its twists and turns. It is receiving good reviews and is enjoyed by those who like Jane Austen and Charles Dickens stories.

2. Your welcome Debra. Jane Austen is a big favorite. So, why Historical romance?

Debra Brown (The Author): It is what I love. I suppose part of the appeal is because of Jane Austen. In reading her stories, one can drift back in time and enter a world of manners, maidservants and balls. One can forget, for awhile, about modern cares- balancing checkbooks, inner cities woes and ecological disasters. Though the era had its problems, they can be set aside and the tea parties and dancing can be enjoyed. I do bring out the difficulties, as well, in my books, but in such a way as to restore the reader to a feel-good evening.

3. Do you have any writing projects going on now or any that you are planning?

Debra Brown (The Author): I am thoroughly enjoying writing my second novel, For the Skylark. It is a Regency era story about a twin brother and his sister, a poetess. It is very different from Companion, with much more of the sister’s feelings being brought out. It also has a surprising end, and leaves the reader delighted at what had been going on behind the scenes.

4. Your second novel, sounds things really great. Debra, please, tell how your love for writing started out?

Debra Brown (The Author): I have always loved books. I spent much of my childhood reading. In my adult life, I enjoyed creative pursuits in various ways. I had never thought of myself as ever writing a book, but after watching a movie, one night, I thought it would be fun to write such a story of my own. At the time I did not intend to publish it, but it took off with so much power of its own that I began to see it as something that others might enjoy, too.

5. What inspires you to get out there to write?

Debra Brown (The Author): I now find it hard NOT to write. The stories are so powerful in my mind that I want to get them down on paper. I don’t want to quit until the book is finished, though, of course, I cannot write all the time.

6. Can you tell us about your experience with World Castle Publications?

Debra Brown (The Author): Yes, I am very pleased with my publisher. I had intended to self-publish, since this started as a fun project, and also because I knew that most new authors do not find a publisher. Another problem today is that some publishers charge the author to publish for them. After all the work an author goes to, it does not seem to me that they are the ones who should pay. A friend recommended my publisher to me, and also recommended me to them! It worked out well, and I have been treated well by them.

7. Anything you'd like to tell readers listening before you go?

Debra Brown (The Author): Yes! I like to encourage readers to try their hand at writing. It is not for everyone, but some will be surprised at how well it goes for them. Be prepared for a lot of work, if you do write a book. It will be read and critiqued by many people! Make sure to have beta readers and a good editor, and then prepare to do a lot of marketing work. It is not all fun. But if you can look at is as a long term project that you might enjoy, it is well worth a try.

The Book & Movie Dimension  Blogger: Debra thanks for being here. Also thanks for sticking through to answer all the questions I've had.

Debra Brown (The Author): Thank you very much for this opportunity to speak to your readers.

The Book & Movie Dimension  Blogger: Proud to do!

Sypnosis: A baby girl was found in a basket on Squire Carrington's doorstep. She was raised and sent to work as a servant girl for The Countess of Holmeshire. The widowed and unconventional Countess chose Miss Emma Carrington as a companion and sent her off for finishing with the goal of dragging her along into genteel Victorian society. What sort of reception would she have at tea and dinners? The young Earl of Holmeshire was engaged by arrangement to a lovely London lady, but their relationship was difficult. Could they work it out? Even the tribulations and banned romances of the servants downstairs play into the story as we follow Emma from a stone fortress to a Victorian village and then into fabulous London mansions. Great surprises unfold at a Midsummer Night's Dream Ball which help to solve mysteries that have gradually developed. You are invited to predict the great revelation of the last few pages!

1 E-book of The Companion of Lady Holmeshire by Debra Brown 

How to Win: 
-You don't have to be a follower of the blog, but if you do that be really kind of you.
Leave a comment along with your e-mail (For Contacting)

Extra Entries:
Share on Twitter or any Social Networking site , preferably Facebook. (2 entries, once only, on one of the social network)

Terms of  Giveaway 
Giveaway runs: 09/10/11- 09/16/11
Winner Chosen by Random.Org.
You must be at least 13 years old to enter.
Giveaway prize will be given to you by the author.
You have 72 hours (3 days) to claim your book giveaway prize from the moment you receive the You Are A Winner e-mail. New winner will be chosen if you don't, unfortunately.
Giveaway is International, since it's an electronic book.


  1. Yeah! I've been wanting to read this book for a while! I'll keep my fingers crossed! thanks!


  2. Thank you for the interview on your wonderful site, Cassandra! It seems like a very special place to be the center of attention. :)

    Hi Margaret, thanks for visiting here today! I'm glad you want to read the book.

    All my best!

  3. I do believe my TBR list just grew.

    By the way, fabulous interview, Debra.

  4. I'm so excited for this book! Great interview!

  5. Hi Leigh Ann, hope you luck in the giveaway and thanks for reading the interview.

  6. Another book to add to my TBR list. I love historical fiction.
    Great Interview Cassandra and Debra!

  7. Great interview, I would love to win this book!


  8. Please enter me in the draw, and thanks for the giveaway!

    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

  9. +2 for tweeting:!/DarleneBookNook/status/113057126523469824

    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

  10. Darlene so very grateful you shared the giveaway and wish you luck!

  11. yay Debra! so good to find you and your book promo ~ @_eHope has missed the austenesque twitter sociables =)
    blstef1 at mts dot net
    your book will be a lovely reminder!
    thank you for your generosity! wishing you cont'd success...

  12. @_eHope tweeted +2!/_eHope/status/113072632999579649

  13. Thank you for this giveaway

  14. Tweet!/micia18/status/113159278671564800

  15. Great interview! Sounds like a great read!
    ami (at) museink (dot) com

    +2 for tweeting:

  16. Thanks to all of you for coming and entering the drawing. I love hearing the kind words!

    @_eHope, sorry I can't be there, too. It is just a very bad time for me. But keep in touch on Twitter.

    Again, thanks to Cassandra. :)

  17. Hi Debra: I really like Jane Austen, and the Bronte sisters. I hope for some luck in your giveaway and may spring for it if I don't win. Sounds like an intriguing story. Best of luck on sales.

  18. Hi Larry, thanks for your comments! I am always delighted when a man likes to read Austen and Bronte- and of course, my book! I think it is a sign of a gentleman. :)


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If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.