Monday, September 12, 2011

In My Mailbox (6) & Mailbox Monday (1)- September 12

This week have gotten some very cool looking books all in print. Which is a change. Since, lately I've been reading tons of e-books which is nice and physical copy books in my hands now feel really heavy compared to my sony reader.

In My Mail­box« is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi – The Story Siren.
 In this meme, we share the books we received for review, purchased, got from the library, traded/swapped, etc. Great way to network your blog with other bloggers and readers. 

This week I've got
The Starcrossed Saga: Protostar by Braxton A. Coby
Learn More: Book Trailer 

The Perils of Being VampPixie by PJ Schriever

Sypnosis: Lucy wants nothing more than to escape her pathetic 6th grade existence, so when a tribe of gothic bat-winged healers called VamPixies give her the chance to leave her troubles behind, she takes it. These otherworldly beings assure her that VamPixies live by the loyalty oath of truth, bravery and friendship; they do not bite, but feed on sugar; they do not take lives, but bestow life instead. But when Lucy arrives in their alternative universe, she discovers that nothing is what it seems and there is more to her mysterious immortal friends than sparkly wings and magical talents. Can she trust them? Lucy soon finds herself dream-hopping her way between her mortal home and the supernatural world, striving to unravel the web of secrets that could save them all.

Extreme Makeover by Henry Melton    
Sypnosis: High school senior Deena Brooke struggled to make sense of the impossible changes to her body, grateful for the interest Luther Jennings had in her puzzling insights and quirky urges, until she discovered that he was hiding a deadly secret of his own. What could she do about this unseen influence that was changing her into something else, and was Luther helping her or dragging her into his criminal scam?

Golden Girl by Henry Melton
Sypnosis:  Debra Barr was barely out of bed when she found herself thrust into a pivotal role in the future of the human race. Hey, she wanted to be more than just a small town girl, but this was ridiculous! Plucked out of her bedroom in small town Oquawka, Illinois to a future Earth destroyed and poisoned by a major asteroid impact, the future scientists explained how she could walk a few steps differently, and with YouTube, save the planet. But everything they told her was wrong. Instead of returning to her bedroom, she appeared two hundred years in the past, in the wilderness on the banks of the Mississippi River and it was up to her to discover the rules of time travel without killing herself or anyone else in the process. Bouncing through time, only one thing was certain, anything she decided to do could mean life or death for her family and friends and the route she chose would likely cost her everything. Unfortunately, the more she discovered, the more she suspected that everyone was lying to her.

Won Giveaways:            
The Starcrossed Saga: Protostar by Braxton A. Coby

(Great Minds Think Aloud on FacebookGreat Minds Think Aloud on  Blog)

Extreme Makeover by Henry Melton
(I Live In A Fictional World )                              
Golden Girl by Henry Melton                                          
(I Live In A Fictional World )       

For Review:  
The Perils of Being VampPixie by PJ Schriever

   That's about it for this week's books to read and review. What's in your IMM?


  1. The Perils of Being a VamPixie looks really cool! Nice books this week! Happy Reading :0)

    Sarah @ The Book Life

  2. Hi Sarah
    Yeah pretty good book. Reading now. And good luck with your reading.

  3. just dropping by to say hello! those books looks awesome happy reading ^_^

  4. Oh, these are new to me. I hope you enjoy them all!

  5. It is on my list to get a Kindle(or ipad). It has just move up as a priority after reading your list of suggestions. Thanks for the information. :)

  6. A few that I have not heard of that look pretty good. Thanks for the intro.

  7. What a fun variety of books! I hope you love them all!

  8. Hopping Thru...trying to catch up on Sunday's Blog Hops! Follow back @ and/or on facebook @


Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.