Friday, September 30, 2011

Book Tour: Interview & Giveaway with Sable Hunter author of the Texas Heat series!

Hi Sable tell us about your book series and while your at it about yourself.

Hello.  I am so happy to be with you, today.  My name is Sable Hunter and I write three types of erotic romance  - cowboy, paranormal and just plain ole contemporary.  My cowboy stories are my most popular.  And when I say cowboy – these are really just regular Texas guys who have land and raise cattle and drive pickups and are hotter than the Texas weather we’ve been having.  
I was born in South Louisiana and spent my time in the bayous and in New Orleans.  My ties to that mysterious and wild part of the world have made a lasting impact on me.  Not only do I root for the Saints – I also believe in the Supernatural and ghost hunt as a hobby.  A belief in the supernatural is normal in that part of the country.  The food of Louisiana defines my life – as does Mardi Gras and hoodoo and zydeco  all are entwined in my make-up to give me a laid back Big Easy personality.  
I moved to Texas when I was almost a teenager and grew to love the land, cattle, horses and cowboys.  Oh – the cowboys – like Willie Nelson sings – my heroes have always been cowboys.  I love the idea of a strong, decisive, possessive man who has a heart of gold and a body to die for.  So – that’s what I write about.  In the Texas Heat series, you meet the Landon twins – Kyler and Tyler.  Ky is the hero of T-R-O-U-B-L-E.  He is just a regular Texas sweet guy who falls for a woman who has been abused.  Their romance touched my heart.  She has so much love to give and doesn’t think that any man would ever want her.  And Ky, after realizing that she has been mistreated – both mentally and physically – treads so carefully and sweetly that I fell in love with him – and he came from my own imagination.  
His brother is a different story.  Tyler’s tale is told in My Aliyah – Heart In Chains – which is Texas Heat II and will be released in January from Secret Cravings.  He is a Texas Ranger – a sexual dom – arrogant, cocksure and as handsome and sexy as they come.  After he wittnesses a drug lord gun down another Ranger, the agency assigns him a protector – to keep him alive to testify.  This gauls Ty because his protector is a woman  - Mossad agent, Aliyah Sharon.  In Aliyah, Ty meets his match and the fireworks that comes from their battle/romance is still lighting up my Texas sky.  
There are other books in the series – Spanish Eyes and Double Trouble which will come out in 2012.  
Personally, I am a simple woman who loves animals, has a romantic soul and is a cross between a gypsy and a hermit.  I love to cook Tex/Mex and Cajun and my dream is to live in a huge RV and travel from state park to state park and write romance all along the way.                  
Author Interview 
Questions and Answers

1. What have others commented about T-r-o-u-b-l-e?

Sable Hunter (The Author): T-R-O-U-B-L-E has been popular with my readers.  It was released first, as a self-published work and now by Secret Cravings. The readers like that my heroine is curvy and that she has challenges and self doubts – and yet a man falls head over heels for her.  
They like that I wrote about abuse and one reviewer said that I hit the nail on the head about how women feel about themselves who have gone through an ordeal like that.  
I have chosen to give a percentage of my profits to TheSafePlace a shelter for abused women in Austin, Texas.

2.  Real-life influences in your writing or just made-up?

Sable Hunter (The Author): Oh yes – definitely real life influence.  I am my heroines – all of the body issues, self-doubt, inseurities – foibles – everything is me.  I have not faced all of the challenges that they have faced, but the personalites are all part of my own make-up.
There have also been situations where my friends have made it between the pages of my books.  After all – we write what we know – and I’m no different. 

3. What can you tell us about the place you call home and where you write?

Sable Hunter (The Author): I divide my time between three homes.  I have a home in central Texas where my house sits in a field of blue bonnets in the spring.  I raise registered Beemaster bulls that I train from the time they are born to eat from my hand and come when I call.
I also have horses and a wiener dog who rules the roost.  His name is Mojo.
In East Texas, I have a lake house that sits near Jefferson, Texas.  There I bask in the shade of the pine trees and listen to the tales of hog hunters and assorted rednecks who sometimes find their way into my books.
As often as I can, I am in New Orleans.  My family has a home there and I still help decorate the Mardi Gras floats and sit on the porch with them and drink mint juleps and watch the world go by.
I think I live in the best of places.  I would love to have a home in Colordo, though – I love to look at the mountains.   

4. What can you be found doing when not writing?
                                                                                      Sable Hunter
Sable Hunter (The Author): When I’m not writing – which is seldom – I cook, I make a mean gumbo and Red Beans and Rice.  I also ghost hunt and can be found wandering through cemeteries and battle fields in the middle of the night searching for proof that love survives beyond the grave.  
I read erotic romances, myself.  My favorites are Lorelei James, Heather Rainier, Maya Banks and Sarah McCarty.
I also do a lot of volunteer work in my community – just like Ky in T-R-O-U-B-L-E.  I work with the elderly, the food bank and several children’s clubs.

5. Tell us more?

Sable Hunter (The Author): I have four active series.  My most popular is HELL YEAH! which is self published and available on  A release of Her Magic Touch will be in October.  I have contests on my newsletter and can be found lurking around The Romance Studio, The Romance Reviews, Coffeetime, Night Owl Review and many other places.  I’m easy to find.
I answer each and every email and welcome conversations.
You can email me through my website
I also twitter @huntersable.

Thanks for reading – and excerpt of Trouble is attached for your amusement.
Add T-r-o-u-b-l-e to your Goodreads Shelf
 T-r-o-u-b-l-e Excerpt!
She stood there. Still. Alone. For fourteen months, she had been able to breathe. Now, that breath was coming shallow and labored. What should she do? Ky didn’t deserve complications like this. He didn’t need to be with someone with a past such as hers. She had been ready to tell him about the abuse, but having a scare like this just made her want to pick up and run again. The truth was she didn’t want to leave Ky. Her mind was racing. A light touch on her arm sent her into a total panic. She flinched and drew back, ducking, anticipating a blow that would knock her off her feet.
“Cooper! Baby, it’s me. What’s wrong?”
“Sorry. You startled me.” Her voice was shaking.
“Sweetheart, I would never, ever hit you. I would cut off my hand, before I would raise it against you.” She relaxed and allowed him to draw her close.
“I know, Ky. I know.”
“I may be big, sweetheart. But I would only use my size to protect you, never to hurt you. Do you understand?” She nodded. “Did something scare you? I heard the dogs barking.” The dogs were still acting strange. They were pacing back and forth in front of the door. It wasn’t just Samson; Rover was acting macho and protective, also.
Maybe, she could tell him part of it. “There was someone at the back door.”
Ky immediately went to the door and opened it. “Yeah, there are foot prints here. Big footprints. Military type boots. My brother, Ty, wears boots like this. Pack a bag and get the animals, all of you are staying with me tonight. And get anything you don’t want to leave here, I’ll load it up.” The words were music to her ears. Even though, she knew she ought to rethink it—she wanted to be with Ky and have him take care of her more than anything else in the world.
She followed his instructions. Throwing several tops and jeans in a bag didn’t take long. Her toiletries were next. Then the cats and their food. The dogs were no problem. They readily followed Ky out and hopped in the back seat.
“Can I take my box of gemstones and my scrap booking stuff?” Since she had begun her new life, Dr. Horton had suggested she chronicle it. So far, she had made some headway. When she had left quickly, she had grabbed a box of family papers that had some pictures in it. She hadn’t gone through them all yet, she had just grabbed some of them out of the original box and crammed them in with her scrap booking paraphernalia. Maybe, she would get time to look at it when Ky was working or something.
“Sure.” He leaned over and kissed her. “And you don’t have to worry. I have a state of the art security system. I’ll take care of you.”
“I believe you.” She knew he would, if he could. But he didn’t really know what she had been up against. Face the facts. Steve was as crazy as his brother was, and he had promised her he would rape her if he ever got the chance. Ky needed to know. She was either going to have to come clean, or leave him alone.

They stopped by his house and unloaded everything. It didn’t take but about ninety seconds to acquaint the animals. They were all good natured and easy going. He sat the two boxes and her small suitcase just inside the door. Then he set the alarm. There were weeks at a time, when he didn’t even think about setting it, or locking the door for that matter. Now, it would be different. Now he had a treasure to protect. Cooper.
Later, he would find out what was going on. Did she have any idea who might have come sneaking around? And why was she so frightened that she cowered at a simple touch? Tonight, when she lay in his bed, in his arms he would find out. He would talk to her—after they made love.
What? Ky laughed, to himself. Before, when thinking like this, he would have thought—sex. Now, he was thinking—making love. How did he go from sex to making love? It hadn’t been a hard trip. Cooper.
When they got back in the truck, she scooted just as close to him as she could. “Thank you, Ky. You’re so good to me.”
Ky grinned down at her. “It’s my pleasure. I get you in my home and in my bed tonight. Like I said, my pleasure.”

* * * *

They didn’t have far to go. The Baptist church where the Angel Pantry was conducted wasn’t very far from Ky’s house—less than ten miles. When they arrived, the eighteen-wheeler that brought the groceries was already there. Proudly, Ky escorted her in and introduced her to about a dozen ladies and they quickly showed her the ropes. Before Ky went outside to help unload the truck and sort the food, he pulled her aside and held her tenderly. “I will take care of you. Don’t you worry for one moment. You don’t ever have to be alone again, not if you don’t want to be.” He kissed her on the forehead and went out to help the men.
A woman named Leslie Barker took her under her wing. She put Cooper at the last table behind a sign that said ’eggs’ and explained that after all the bulk food was brought in, the men would bring individual boxes around for the ladies to place one of each item inside to make a combination box for each customer. “I’m new, Mrs. Barker. Do you really think I need to be in charge of the most fragile item?”
“You’re the youngest female here, child. Your nerves and hands should be steadier than ours.” Cooper smiled at the observation. Soon, things got underway. Cartons of eggs were placed on the table in front of Cooper. But all Cooper could see was Ky. He brought in several big boxes and each time, he sought her out with his eyes and gave her a private smile. She knew he was thinking about what they had done last night and hopefully, what they would be doing tonight. After all the food was in, it was time to fill the boxes. Each man picked up a good-size box then he would walk down the aisle and each woman would place one item in the box. It was an assembly line. Ky walked by her four times. Each time, he leaned in and whispered something to her. The first time it was, “I don’t have on any underwear. Do you?” Cooper almost dropped the eggs. The second time, she was expecting something light and teasing. He surprised her again. He whispered, “I ache to be inside you.” His eyes were dark with desire and heat. The third time, she trembled when he leaned over and he said, “Do you want to go steady?” That made her smile. The last time, he leaned it and instead of whispering—he kissed her hard, right on the lips, in front of God and everybody. They received a wild round of applause. Cooper dropped the eggs.
Lucky, there were extra.

Thanks for reading

Sable Hunter

T-R-O-U-B-L-E by Sable Hunter

Trouble comes calling on Kyler Landon. He falls hard and fast for his beautiful, mysterious neighbor after she saves him from a rattlesnake attack.The sexual tension mounts between them with each sensual encounter, but he soon realizes that Cooper has been hurt and is leery of men. So he sets out to teach her that a real man can be gentle, loving, and sexy as hell. Trouble seems to follow Cooper, and Ky makes it his mission to protect her from her past. Kyler would move heaven and earth to keep her in his bed and in his life.


Tour Participants 

Sept 5 - Frequent Reader, Infrequent Blogger (Interview/Giveaway)
Sept 6 - Bookin' It Reviews (Giveaway/Excerpt)
Sept 7 - Sapphyria's Book Reviews (Excerpt/Guest Post)
Sept 8 - Escape by Fiction (Giveaway/Interview)
Sept 9 - Harlie's Book Blog (Excerpt/Guest Post)
Sept 10 - Babs Book Bistro (Giveaway/Interview)
Sept 11 - Close Encounters with the Night Kind (Interview/Giveaway)
Sept 12 - Sara York (Giveaway/Guest Post)
Sept 13 - Kay Dee Royal (Giveaway/Excerpt)
Sept 14 - Tracy's Treasure of Books (Giveaway/Guest Post)
Sept 15 - Thriller Author Blog (Excerpt/Giveaway)
Sept 16 - Practical Frugality (Giveaway/Guest Post)
Sept 17 - Rage, Sex and Teddy Bears (Giveaway/Excerpt)
Sept 18 - Books Like Breathing (Guest Post/Interview)
Sept 19 - Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy (Excerpt/Giveaway)
Sept 20 - Deep in the Heart Romance (Giveaway/Guest Post)
Sept 21 - Coffee Beans & Love Scenes (Guest Post/Giveaway)
Sept 22 - Ravencraft's Romance Realm (Giveaway/Guest Post)
Sept 23 - Theresa Stillwagon (Guest Post/Excerpt)
Sept 24 - News/Reviews from the Heart of the Dragon's Den (Giveaway/Guest Post)
Sept 25 - Erotica for All (Giveaway/Excerpt)
Sept 26 - Tracy's Treasure of Books (Giveaway/Guest Post)
Sept 27 - Harlie's Book Blog (Interview/Giveaway)
Sept 28 - Deep in the Heart Romance (Giveaway/Guest Post)
Sept 29 - Babs Book Bistro (Excerpt/Giveaway)
Sept 30 - Reviews by Molly (Giveaway/Guest Post)
Oct 1 - Book & Movie Dimension (Giveaway/Interview)
Oct 2 - Laurie's Thoughts & Reviews (Giveaway/Guest Post)
Oct 3 - Bookin' It Reviews (Guest Post/Giveaway)
Oct 4 - Book Lover's Hideaway (Giveaway/Excerpt)
Oct 5 - Theresa Stillwagon (Giveaway/Interview)

~Cassandra The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger


  1. Trouble ut oh sounds like a good reader

    amhengst at verizon dot net

  2. She raises bulls and also likes horses (me to)

    amhengst at verizon dot net

  3. I wanna eat gumbo though my country doesnt really have much place that has it :/


  4. I think it is really admirable that Sable is giving a percentage of her profits to a women's shelter. What a big heart!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


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