Friday, October 7, 2011

Feature & Follow Friday (3) and Book Blogger Hop: 10/7-10/10

Feature & Follow Friday is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers. Feature & Follow Friday is now hosted by TWO hosts,

Parajunkee's View  and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it'll allow us to show off more new blogs!

See feature: Here

Blog Featured

 Kati @ Jagged Edge Reviews

If you could pick any character in a book, movie, or television show to swap places, who would it be?


T.V. Casual Talk:The Secret Circle on The CW "Pilot"

Cassie from The Secret Circle from the t.v. show. Love their powers and would love to be part of the magical circle.

Book Blogger Hosted by Crazy For Books!

Book Blogger Hop

Welcome to the Book Blogger Hop!

Are you a book blogger? Are you a reader? Then welcome to the place where all of us connect over the weekend and chat about books!

“It’s time to spread some love beyond the borders of the Book Blogger Hop! This week, we aren’t answering a question. We are spotlighting our fellow bloggers. Find your favorite(s) author interview(s), guest post(s), book review(s), or bookish article(s) that ANOTHER BOOK BLOGGER featured on their site recently and tell us why you love it/them! As an additional challenge, find your favorite one of EACH of the categories above and spotlight all 4 (interview, guest post, review, article).”

I frequent the Blackplume blog and have seen some very interesting posts. Lately it has been one of my favorites.

A post from Blackplume:
Recycled Cover Art in YA Books

Talks about how authors are now frequently recycling artwork for their book covers and its effect on readers.

Happy Friday!

                                                                       October Month.
                                              24 Days to Halloween!  

~Cassandra The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger

1 comment:

  1. New follower. I love the Secret Circle as well. But I chose something different. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog.


Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.