Sunday, October 9, 2011

In My Mailbox (10)- October 8

In My Mail­box« is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi – The Story Siren.
 In this meme, we share the books we received for review, purchased, got from the library, traded/swapped, etc. Great way to network your blog with other bloggers and readers. 
Readers if you don't participate in In My Mailbox will still love to hear from you!

Books Received:
Links Included Over Book Titles 
                                                                                      Here they are!
Invisible Things by Jenny Davidson  from
Received For Review:
Fangs Rule: A Girl's Guide to being a Vampire by Amy Mah (Vampire)

Calico (Children of the Shawnee: One) by Allison Bruning

Thrall by Steven Shrewsbury 

Won in Giveaways:
The Quicksilver Faire by Gillian Summers
From Author! -At

A Look at the book's spines

What did you happen to get in your Mailbox?

         October Month.
                  22 Days to Halloween!  
~Cassandra The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger


  1. Wow, what a huge haul.

    Congratulations on your wins!

    Happy reading!!

    In my Mailbox

  2. INVISIBLE THINGS! I am a sad excuse of a fan since I still haven't read that one, but I love love love love the first book The Explosionist :) Enjojy all your books.

  3. Nice mailbox! I like the sound of Fangs Rule, as those are usually fun reads. Enjoy!

  4. honestly I'm not familiar with any of those books you got this week. I haven't see any of them in local book stores. Thanks for introducing them. I have to check the blurb now. Enjoy reading!


Readers always feel free to comment, vent, or ramble. I know I do on a great many blogs I visit.

If you're a blogger you can leave me your links and I'll try to get back to that. Thanks.