Monday, November 19, 2012

Guest Post-Movies and Books that Inspire by Juli D. Revezzo

Movies and books that inspire

As writers, we take inspiration from everywhere. Be it an article we read in the paper or a sentence we overhead in a restaurant. Many take inspiration from books, from the classics and non-fiction tomes. Some of us squirrel little bits of inspiration away from movies we’ve loved.

I’ve seen a lot of movies in my life, from the old classics of the golden age of Hollywood to this year’s offerings. While it’s true some can be considered forgettable, some of them are very good. My list of ultimate favorites is long, but only a few inspire each individual book I’m working on at one time or another. It’s incredibly hard to choose just a few but Cassandra encouraged me to pare it down. ;) So let’s see…Herm…okay. For my new supernatural horror novel, The Artist’s Inheritance, a few gems come to mind.

For books, I’d say the influence of Anne Rice’s novel The Witching Hour comes first to mind.

Then for movies, the Dunwhich Horror’s a good one (though I think I prefer H.P. Lovecraft’s original story to the movie)

The Exorcist of course jumps to the top of the list, in some respects (can’t beat it for creep-factor, can you?).

Would you believe the god-awful Eddie Murphy movie Disney’s Haunted House?
And Ghostbusters? *nods* It’s true!

Oh, and who can forget this scene from Legend:

Yes, that one too.

And for my story House of Cards?
Hands down Clive Barker’s Nightbreed, as well as Johnny Depp’s performance in The Libertine.

Just call me a fangirl, I won’t mind! Have you seen any of these movies? What did you think of them?

Want to know a little more about my books? Okay:

The Artist's Inheritance
Trouble only a witch can solve...

Settling into a new home, Caitlin notices changes coming over her husband. When nightmares deepen and ghosts begin lurking—Caitlin knows something’s not right, and not just her newfound precognitive abilities. It’s the damned chair her husband's carving, she’s sure. Could it be just what it seems: a mundane piece of furniture? If so, why is it attracting dark forces—the forces she suspects drove Trevor’s siblings to insanity and suicide?

Armed with a handful of allies--a coven of helpful witches--she must proceed with caution against the hellish forces besieging her family. If she fails, she may lose forever the one thing she cares about most: her beloved Trevor.

Available at Amazon, and others

House of Cards

Can you gamble with Fate?

As a young nobleman, Sinjon escapes the Reign of Terror in 18th century France to find himself dragged into an even worse fate–a hellish underworld wherein he is put on trial by a demon tribunal for crimes he never committed. Can he answer their riddles and thwart his fate, one worse than the guillotine? 

Available at Amazon and Smashwords

Thanks, Cassandra, for having me here. This was fun!

About Juli D. Revezzo
Juli D. Revezzo is a Florida girl, with a love of fantasy, science fiction, and Arthurian legend, so much so she gained a B.A. in English and American Literature. She loves writing stories with fantastical elements whether it be a full-on fantasy, or a story set in this world–slightly askew. She has been published in short form, and recently released her debut novel, The Artist’s Inheritance.
She also has an article and book review or two out there. But her heart lies in the storytelling. She is a member of the Independent Author Network and the Magic Appreciation Tour.

You can find more about her at:
You can also find her on Amazon
on Author’s Den
On Facebook:
Good Reads:
and Twitter: @julidrevezzo

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