Friday, November 23, 2012

Traitor Angel Online Book Tour: Review of Traitor Angel (Book Two in the Angelkiller Trilogy) by H. David Blalock

The Traitor Angel Online Book Tour is brought to you by Seventh Star Press.

10/29  Great Minds Think Aloud  - Review
10/30  Splash of Our Worlds - Character Post
10/31  A Book Vacation - Guest Post
11/2  JeanzBookReadNReview  - Interview
11/3 Vilutherial Reviews  - Interview
11/4  Crossroads Reviews  - Review
11/5  The Bunny’s Review  - Character Interview
11/6  Ali’s Bookshelf - Review
11/7  Red Headed Bookworm  - Guest Post
11/9  From the Bootheel Cotton Patch  - Character Post
11/10 A Few Words - Review
11/12  The Oaken Bookcase - Review
11/13  Beauty in Ruins - Interview
11/14  Ginger Nuts of Horror - Interview
11/15 Bookishly Me - Review
11/16  Full Moon Bites - Interview
11/17  A Daydreamer’s Thoughts - Guest Post
11/18  Stuck in Books - Guest Post
11/19 Sheila Deeth - Review
11/20 Bee’s Knees Reviews - Review
11/21  The Cabin Goddess - Review
11/22  Darlene’s Book Nook  - Guest Post
11/24  Jess Resides Here - Interview

In Traitor Angel, the second book of the Angelkiller Triad,  the war between The Army of Light and The Enemy continues behind the scenes. Unknown to the general population, the battle for control of humanity is heating up.

Jonah Mason, called Angelkiller, faces more than one decision. His Army resistance cell is wounded physically and emotionally, on the brink of falling apart. The mysterious allies calling themselves Knights are pressuring him to abandon his people. Meanwhile, the world outside draws closer to Armageddon.

As Mason and his friends pursue their campaign against Dorian Azrael's global megacorporation, Andlat Enterprises, the stakes get higher with each desperate foray into the enemy's computers. They are fated to lose one of their number and gain an unlikely ally, but any advantage they gain could be fleeting at best.

If they fail, it could mean the end of The Army and all resistance to the forces of Darkness.

Recommended: Yes, do check out!


About Traitor Angel
                                                  Recommended Ages: 17 and Up
                                                            E-book: 228 pgs.
                             PublishedOctober 21st 2012

                                  For This Review: *E-book Copy Provided through Book Tour*
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As always glad to host an Online Book Tour for Seventh Star Press. Although, it should be noted that this time discovered yet another favorite Fantasy series to occupy my time with The Angelkiller  Triad Trilogy!

When we previously had left off in Angelkiller, Mason managed to defeat the evil angel Azazel with the help of some human long-lived knights: Jaelon, Malthusan, and Populus. In Angelkiller, they weren't exactly warm to Mason’s cell but eventually as in this book they aren't stony. As with Mason’s cell, we get to see their pasts. Jaelon who was once a slave is later taken into the angelic conflict of The Army and The Enemy. Malthusan a knight that seems to hold feelings for the knight’s leaders Jaelon. Finally, Populus who is the voice of reason of the knights and just as intrigued with technology as Martin. Traitor Angel still continues to switch between different character perspectives to better push the story. H. David Blalock so far has done a fabulous job.

With his second novel in the Angelkiller Triad, Traitor Angel, he has Mason and his cell still investigating who Andrael in the schemes of The Enemy. So, throughout Traitor Angel, we have a lot of building action where we are further introduced to even more characters. One thing is certain the conflict between The Enemy and The Army as it escalates is moving beyond Virtual Reality but into a place of higher stakes.

One important new character is Andrew Nicholson who seems to catch the eye of Meeker. While having read Angelkiller know for a fact that Meeker and Overguard are involved, so it would be a very messy thing there. Even so, as a reader actually excited to read more concerning Meeker and Andrew Nicholson or at the very least more about Nicholson.

Angelkiller introduced me to H. David Blaclock's writing and his Angelkiller Triad Trilogy, so now Traitor Angel has only increased my fanatic drive for The Angelkiller Triad Trilogy all the more! As a reader you'll want to make yourself familiar with this trilogy.
Overall: Touching read
Genre: Fantasy, Speculative Fiction

About the Author

H. David Blalock has been writing speculative fiction for nearly 40 years. His work has appeared in print and online in over three dozen publications, spanning every format from short stories to novels, non-fiction articles to screenplays. He is also editor of _parABnormal Digest_ for Sam's Dot Publishing. To find out more visit his website at

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