Saturday, November 10, 2012

Review of Angelkiller (Book I in The Angelkiller Triad Trilogy) by H. David Blalock

Why do bad things happen to good people? Simple. In the ancient war between the Angels of Light and Darkness, the Dark won. Now it is the job of an undercover force simply known as The Army to rectify that.

Using every tool available, The Army has worked to liberate our world from The Enemy for thousands of years, slowly and painfully lifting Mankind out of the dark. On the front of the great Conflict are the Angelkillers, veterans of the fight with centuries of experience.

Jonah Mason is an Angelkiller, and his cell is targeted as part of a plot to unseat a very powerful Minion of The Enemy. Mason and his troop are drawn into a battle that stretches from real-time to virtual reality and back. The Conflict is about to expand into cyberspace, and if Mason is unable to stop it, The Enemy will have gained dominion over yet another realm.
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About Angelkiller
                                                              Recommended Ages: 17 and Up
                                                           E-book: Kindle Edition, 224 pages
                             PublishedNovember 20th 2011 by Seventh Star Press

                 For This Review: *E-book Copy Provided by Seventh Star Press Freebie Amazon promotion *
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Angelkiller! What a book title this book has and its story background when first saw it on Seventh Star Press enticed me very much. Once I actually read it did enjoy its story and found a very quick attachment to the characters.

First off with Angelkiller the story begins with Mason a fighter for The Army's side who has lived for centuries. He has been in conflict with the supposed bad side known as The Enemy. The Enemy are conspiring to lure humanity into their web and away from the Creator's light( guessing God). For many years and now in the present they have achieved just that so what we know as good is really bad and vise versa. Besides Mason there are other characters that make an appearance in Angelkiller which are: Tripp, Martin, Overguard, and Meeker. Tripp is a long-time friend of Mason's who has huge loyalty toward him. Martin in particular of the group is a fascinating to read about since he's very much intrigued with computers and tech making him the computer expert, so it's interesting to see his side of things at times. Then finally there is Meeker and Overguard who while they are in The Army together its obvious they are romantically involved. This conflict that "rages" is mentioned several times to break up couples since many don't survive. For a reader, you are in for a very suspense-charged Fantasy that even includes romance. All of the before mentioned storylines of the characters are intriguing in Angelkiller.

[Angelkiller, by the way, switches through different character perspectives in a well-balanced way that accentuates the story's overall flow]

This book blogger is grateful to H. David Blalock for writing the Angelkiller Triad Trilogy since for a reader its covering new ground in Fantasy with some Virtual Reality aspects that have not seen before nicely brought to life.

Overall: Touching read
Genre: Fantasy, Speculation Fiction

About the Author

H. David Blalock has been writing speculative fiction for nearly 40 years. His work has appeared in print and online in over three dozen publications, spanning every format from short stories to novels, non-fiction articles to screenplays. He is also editor of _parABnormal Digest_ for Sam's Dot Publishing. To find out more visit his website at

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