Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Review of The Named by Marriane Curley

Fantasy unlike most. Interconnecting lives of those with incredible powers that must unite against time's greatest enemy.

                             About The Named
A story of Ethan and Isabel who have these unique abilities. They guard time from disorder. Yet, they soon learn their involvement is more complicated than that. The first in a trilogy. A nice fantasy novel with a new creative concept. Let anything out the window and just let it fall into place. Liked it a lot, and would recommend. 

If you like fantasy novels of a new type. A book with well-developed characters, then, The Named, does a good job.
                             Overall: Good read 
  Genre:Young Adult, Fantasy, Science Fiction 

                              My Star Review 

Paperback: 336 pgs.
Published : May 13th 2005 by Bloomsbury USA Children's Books

                                        For This Review*Self-provided Copy*

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