Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Review of Extraterrestrial Compendium "HC" by Pat Lee

Print: 200 pgs.  Digital: 88 pgs.

    Creative Director: Pat Lee 
Editor/Writer: Ray Cheng  Writer/Researcher: Anton Chan
Graphic Designer: Chris Kong  
       Graphic Artists:
 Siya Oum, Hoi Mon, Nicole Cordiff, Marissa Rivera, Elliot Kravchik, Alliston Thous
Publisher: Sea Lion Books 
Just in time for the approach of the reputedly transformative year 2012, a comprehensive collection of extraterrestrial life-forms as visualized and vividly-rendered by Pat Lee of Transformers, DC, and Marvel comics fame. Within the UFO and exopolitics communities, there is both debate and consensus about many of the "known" extraterrestrial races, but seldom have they been revealed in this level of detail. To the believer, the curious, or just open-minded, the Extraterrestrial Compendium provides fuel for thought.

Sneak Peek at!:  For those of you who are eager to get a sneak peek, there is currently an EXTRATERRESTRIAL COMPENDIUM "CONDENSED" version on the kindle. 
Here's the Amazon link: Extraterrestrial Compendium

A Review of Extraterrestrial Compendium "HC"
Lots of people no matter their background are in some way curious about aliens. Even, if it's in a tiny way they are for maybe just for amusement. Extraterrestrial Compendium is a perfect sort of encyclopedia with all kinds of descriptions that are detailed to rumors of all UFO sightings, types of available aliens, alien myths, and alien-related conspiracies. The information gathered was carefully gathered to ensure you get some background on things such as the origins as well. Quite a project for Pat Lee to embark on.

Inside its scifi-esque pictures which are entirely mesmerizing, there are alien life-forms never before seen. There is mention of Draconian reptilians who apparently detest all humans.

The chupucabra a creature of fear surprisingly features within the pages of Extraterrestrial Compendium. Who knew! That is only the tip of the iceberg. There's more still to uncover throughout the compendium.

Most alluring of Extraterrestrial Compendium is how the photos of all matter of extraterrestrials is rendered. There is intense artwork at work here. Quite a few are so remarkable in their exotic looks while others quite honestly terrify. The artwork department is no problem at all.
Extraterrestrial Compendium is something overall entertaining for alien fans who want maybe to discover new facts on aliens or just have a book with information all gathered up at the ready. The compendium promises to gather everything for you.
Overall: Amazing read!  
Encyclopedia, Compendium

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