Director: Junichi Sakata
Anime Planet Overview: Years after having been exiled from the Kannagi household for being unable to utilize their fire magic, Kazuma returns to Japan, only to discover that the Kannagi family's very existence is threatened. Unknown to them, during his absence, he had become a Contractor and thus acquired a vast strength in wind magic. Not showing any remaining contempt for them, he offers to help solve the Kannagi household’s problems in return for large sums of money. Together with his younger brother Ren and the feisty heir to the Kannagi household, Ayano, he fights to protect those he cares about... for a price!
A Kaze No Stigma Review
Kaze No Stigma Episode Count: 24 episodes
Tsui-Ling (Top right), Kazuma (Top middle), Ren (Bottom left), Kirika (Far left) and Ayano (Bottom right) |
Kaze No Stigma, Ayano and Kazuma (Left to Right) |
Kaze No Stigma, Kazuma's Eyes turn Azure blue (referred to as The Stigma of the Wind) when he uses his wind powers |
Almost entirely a watch if you love anime to that of Bleach and or Code Geass.
Yes, meaning power plays where the main characters triumph over their enemies quite gloriously. For me it was quite intriguing throughout since Bleach is an anime within my favorites.
Genre: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Contains: Dark side, Developing Powers
Anime Soundtrack Side-note: The Opening Theme song is "Blast of Wind" by Saori Kiuji and fits perfectly to the anime.
The Ending Theme songs of which there are two but only one Op are "Hitorikiri no Sora" by Saori Kiuji and the second ending theme is "Matataki no Kiwoku" by Ayumi Fujimura which found not too awful but not fantastic. The Opening in my opinion is so much better but to each his own.