Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Accidentally... Over? By Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Review

When it comes to Máax, the God of Truth who refuses to follow the rules, there's more to him than meets the eye. Literally. Because Maáx is invisible! Which is probably why, after seventy-thousand years, he's still unable to find a mate. Ashli Rosewood was never meant to die. In fact, her death might be the very reason the gods are now faced with stopping that pesky doomsday right around the corner. If only there was a way to undo the past. Cue Máax. Seven feet of divine masculinity and the unruly god charged with saving Ashli. With a little help from an ancient Mayan tablet, Máax will travel back in time and set things right. Easy, right? Wrong. Because Máax has one teensy challenge. He's invisible. And every time this impatient, powerful deity gets anywhere near Ashli, he spooks her right into harm's way. Meaning...she dies, and he has to start all over again. Cliff, banana peel, runaway storage container filled with Belgian chocolates, bee sting, the list goes on and on. Does the Universe have it out for this girl? Sure seems that way. But why? And what will Máax do when he begins to suspect that not only is Ashli the key to stopping the apocalypse, but she may be "the one" he's been waiting seventy-thousand years for. How will he save the one woman the Universe insists on killing and who wants nothing to do with him? - See more at:
When it comes to Máax, the God of Truth who refuses to follow the rules, there's more to him than meets the eye. Literally. Because Maáx is invisible! Which is probably why, after seventy-thousand years, he's still unable to find a mate. Ashli Rosewood was never meant to die. In fact, her death might be the very reason the gods are now faced with stopping that pesky doomsday right around the corner. If only there was a way to undo the past. Cue Máax. Seven feet of divine masculinity and the unruly god charged with saving Ashli. With a little help from an ancient Mayan tablet, Máax will travel back in time and set things right. Easy, right? Wrong. Because Máax has one teensy challenge. He's invisible. And every time this impatient, powerful deity gets anywhere near Ashli, he spooks her right into harm's way. Meaning...she dies, and he has to start all over again. Cliff, banana peel, runaway storage container filled with Belgian chocolates, bee sting, the list goes on and on. Does the Universe have it out for this girl? Sure seems that way. But why? And what will Máax do when he begins to suspect that not only is Ashli the key to stopping the apocalypse, but she may be "the one" he's been waiting seventy-thousand years for. How will he save the one woman the Universe insists on killing and who wants nothing to do with him?

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About Accidentally...Over?

                                    Available as: NEW Paperback $9.39 from The Book Depository
                                                  Recommended Ages: 17 and Up
                                                            Paperback: 400 pgs.

                             Published August 26th 2014 by Forever

                                  For This Review: *ebook Copy Provided through Forever*
                                                                                   4  STARS

Death is trying to seduce me.
I always suspected he would come for me after I survived the accident, and now there’s no doubt. And death isn’t some ominous creature that carries a bloody scythe, his face obscured by a black cloak, his spindly fingers protruding from the cuff of his dripping sleeve as he enters your dinner party, points to your plates, and declares in a gravelly voice, “You’re all dead. It was the canned salmon.” Oh no. This is no snarky Brit skit, and he’s no monster.
Death is a sex god.
He’s tall, built from indestructible solid bricks of muscle. His cheek bones are chiseled works of art, and his full, sensual lips are meant for doing anything but killing. Like I said, sex god.
How do I know this? He’s been watching me, whispering in my ear while I sleep, quietly hiding in the shadows while I eat, while I work, while I shower.
So for once, I’m turning the tables.
I follow the sound of his footsteps through my beach cottage, out my back porch, and then pick up his large footprints in the sand. I crouch behind the tall, dry grass blanketing the massive sand dune. The crashing waves mask the sound of my thumping heart and heavy, frantic breaths. I’m sweating like mad as the tropical morning sun beats down on my back, and I spot my stalker splashing in the waves.
He stands, and I can barely breathe when I look at him.
Though he’s nearly transparent, the outline of his naked body glistens with drops of ocean water reflected by the sun. I’ve never seen a more beautiful man. Shoulders that span the width of two normal-sized men, powerful arms and legs that make me wonder if he’s not actually carved from rock or molded from steel, and incredibly sculpted…jeez, everything. There’s not an inch on this beast—not a neck, an ab, not a pec or a thigh—that isn’t constructed from potent, lethal looking muscle. Well, except his hair. Though I can’t see the color, it’s beautifully thick and falls to his shoulders. I imagine it’s a warm shade of brown, streaked with reds and gold. Because he’s utterly beautiful, and that’s the kind of hair a beautiful man would have. Yes, he’s a god, not the bringer of death. And I can’t help but wonder why he’s made that way. Is it so that when he comes for me, there’ll be some sort of consolation—getting to see his face? I don’t know, but I’m not ready to see it, yet. I want to live. I want to grow old. I want to fall in love. Just once before my time is up.
Yet, somehow, I want him, too. Why? That’s gotta mean I’m loca, right?
My eyes study every poetic detail of this “man,” hoping to find answers. But there’s nothing. Nothing that will help save me from him.
Suddenly, I see his chin lift and his head turn in my direction.
Can he see me? Oh my god. He’s coming right for me.
I bolt from my hiding place and make a run for it. I know if I make it to my house I’ll manage to lock the doors, but that won’t stop him. There is nowhere to hide from death, but I run, anyway.
I make it to my back porch and reach for the door, but I slip on something. Shit. Really? A banana peel?
My body crashes to the hard cement. My head cracks on the sharp edge of the porch’s step, and I can’t move. All I feel is my beating heart and heaving lungs, burning with fear.
“Dammit, woman. Why the hell do you always run from me?” His deep, melodic voice washes over me, and I love how it soothes my soul.
I look up and try to focus my eyes, but he’s difficult to make out. His dripping hair catches only a few rays of morning sunlight.
“You’re so beautiful,” I croak. “But I changed my mind; I don’t want to die. Please don’t take me away.”
I feel his warm hand brush against my cheek. “I am trying to save you, Ashli. Why won’t you let me?”
Why does he say that? Why is he lying to me? It doesn’t matter now, because I’m already dying. The darkness begins to swallow me.
“Shit!” I roll from my bed and fall to the floor with a thump.
Sonofabitch! Why do I keep having these dreams?


I admit, when it comes to books by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff, I am biased. I love all of her books, and I especially adore this series. After reading ‘Accidentally in Love… With a God?’ I was hooked. So when I got the chance to read and review Accidentally… Over? I jumped at the chance. And let me tell you, this book lives up to all my expectations!
  Humour? In abundance.
  Hot, heroic males? Check.
  Lots of Crazy? One word: Cimil.
  Plot twists? Ooh yeah.
  Cliffhanger? … Well, I don’t want to spoil the ending for you! 
Basically, Ashli and Maax’s story is everything you’ve come to expect from a Mimi Jean Pamfiloff novel.
  As always, the road to love is rocky at first, and with Ashli thinking that Maax wants to kill her, and Maax being totally invisible things are bound to get tricky. However things soon heat up in ways I certainly wouldn’t have dreamt of (I’ll give you a hint: caramel). Of course, Maax makes many, many mistakes in his quest to save Ashli and make her his own, as his over-bloated ego, godliness and narcissism make it difficult for her to have a reasonable discussion with him. That’s not to say that he’s not a total dreamboat. He is. If anything, his ego and truthfulness make him more endearing, making readers fall in love with him at the same time as Ashli.
  Ashli herself is pretty awesome. Like most of Mimi’s heroines, she’s very relatable, and acts in a pretty normal way to having an invisible person stalk her. (Yes, she freaks out. Majorly. But wouldn’t you?) At times some of her character traits are a bit predictable, but that doesn’t make her any less enjoyable! We get to meet up with the rest of the cast, and to my joy Cimil is a regular part of the story. (You can read my love of all things Cimil here and here).
  Primarily, the novel is more character driven than Apocalyptic. Yes, the characters are trying to stop the world from being destroyed, but the major climax is less of the end of the world variety, and more of the personal and interpersonal relationship kind.
 Overall, I really couldn’t ask for a better end to the series; there will be a spin of series! Heavily featuring Cimil. As I’m sure you guessed, I cannot wait.
 So until then, read this book, and if you like funny with a side of romantic and paranormal, I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. I give it 4/5.  

Overall: Touching Read!Genre: Romance

    About the Author

New York Times and USA Today Best Selling Romance Author.

Before taking up a permanent residence in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mimi spent time living near NYC (became a shopaholic), in Mexico City (developed a taste for very spicy food), and Arizona (now hates jumping chollas, but pines for sherbet sunsets). Her love of pre-Hispanic culture, big cities, and romance inspires her to write when she’s not busy with kids, hubby, work, and life…or getting sucked into a juicy novel.

She hopes that someday, leather pants for men will make a big comeback and that her writing might make you laugh when you need it most.

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