Thursday, March 15, 2012

Author Guest Post/Giveaway of O'Dell's Top 10 Best Book to Movie Adaptations in The Weeping Book Tour

O'Dell's Top 10 Best Book to Movie Adaptations
just may be...
O'Dell Hutchison was born in a small rural town in Idaho. After attending college in the Pacific northwest, he found his way to the Houston area in 1997. He currently lives in Katy, TX with his dog, Gia. By day, he is a Business Systems Analyst. In his free time, he tries (and fails) to work out regularly and eat healthy. He also acts and directs at various theaters around Houston. 

1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (US version) (Very faithful to the book and Roony Mara kicked a**)

2. The Help (Loved the book and loved the movie. It gets me every time I watch it)

3. Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows (parts 1 and 2) - No explanation needed. :)

4. Hugo - Absolutely brilliant. I loved it.

5. The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe - This was one of my favorite books growing up and I loved the movie version released a few years ago.

6. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - again, no explanation needed.

7. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close - I've read this book twice and the movie was just as good.

8. Never Let Me Go - No book has affected me more than this one and I felt the movie was just as heartbreaking. Carey Mulligan is amazing.

9. To Kill a Mockingbird - Total classic. I'll always love this movie

10. Bridget Jones' Diary - I had to throw in a little fluff. 

Giveaway Time!
The winner will receive one, signed, hardcover book copy of "The Weeping". 
 Get to know more about the book with Book Tour: Review of The Weeping by O' Dell Hutchinson!
The giveaways are open to US and Canada residents only. 

 Entrants are required to follow @otothedell on Twitter.

Extra Entries-
Follow O' Dell Hutchison on Tumblr at: (+1) and/or liking his author page on Facebook at: (+1)

Tweet this post- leave links, please! (+3), Follow this blog (+1),  Follow this blogger on Twitter (+1), and Follow blog through e-mail (+2).
Please add all entries seperately in the Comment's section. Will draw winners by using Random.Org. Giveaway Ends: March 27, 2012!

Good luck on The Weeping Giveaway!

Full Book Tour Schedule!

Post Type
Monday, February 27
Tuesday, February 28
Review + Dream Cast

Review + Guest Post

Wednesday, February 29
Guest Post + Review


Thursday, March 1
Character Interview + Review

Bailey @ Novel Nerd
Interview + Review
Friday, March 2
Top 10 + Review

Diayll Sales
Guest Post + Review

Saturday, March 3
Character Interview + Review

Interview + Review

Sunday, March 4
Review + 15 Things About Me

Monday, March 5
Review + Interview/Playlist

Dani @ Refracted Light
Review + New Book Preview

Review + Top 10

Tuesday, March 6
Michelle @ Book Briefs
Interview + Review
Wednesday, March 7
Interview w/Molly + Review

Thursday, March 8
Heather @ Nightly Reading
Top 10 + Review

Friday, March 9

Guest Post + Review

Saturday, March 10
Character Interview + Review

Interview + Review

Sunday, March 11
Top 10 + Review

Monday, March 12
Interview + Review

Top 10 + Review

Tuesday, March 13
Dream Cast + Review

Guest Post + Review

Wednesday, March 14
Top 10 + Review
Thursday, March 15
This or That + Review
Friday, March 16
Top 10 + Review

Saturday, March 17
Review + “Confessions”


Christina Fiorelli said...

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I LOVE Heath's answers - you can tell he's snarky and a prankster but a likable one!

YAY for baseball!

The Weeping sounds awesome!

Carrie said...

Following odell on twitter @celjla212

celjla212 at aol dot com

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I follow O'Dell on twitter. MommaMiaof3

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In Julie's Opinion said...

I follow @otothedell on Twitter: @jwitt33
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Reviews: Are not given either positively/negatively based on compensation. Reviews are entirely out of speculative opinion. Put out for readers to ultimately make their decision on a book, movie, and or product. They are honest reviews based on opinion. And ultimately I would never falsify information or exaggerate, given I do not see a benefit in doing so.

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