Thursday, May 12, 2016

Latest in Blog Visiting: May 6-May 12, 2016

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The favorite blogs of the week and why their content made them the favorite of the week of May 6-May 12, 2016!

1. Me, My Shelf, and I blog: Imagine my surprise when I came across a character/author interview with Lauren Oliver, one of my new favorite Middle-Grade authors over at Me, My Shelf, and I. Having recently read and reviewed Liesl & Po this was wonderful, indeed.

Post Visited @ Me, My Shelf, and I-{Character Interview} The Great Goldini from The Screaming Statue by Lauren Oliver & H.C. Chester

Interestingly, Lauren Oliver has already begun a Middle-Grade series co-authored with H.C. Chester called Curiosity House.

2. The Mile Long Bookshelf blog: Amber writes a love letter to libraries. Probably my most favorite post from her book blog, among a few others.

Post Visited @ The Mile Long Bookshelf-A Love Letter to Libraries

3. Kim's Pensieve 2.0 blog: Kim talks about her visiting comic bookshops for Free Comic Book Day, an event I would love to take part in if only Roswell, GA had more comic bookshops. 

Post Visited @ Kim's Pensieve 2.0-Free Comic Book Day 2016 (FCBD)

4. The Reading Queen blog: Christina brings up an excellent point, most of us book lovers, have like no self-control when it comes to books and book buying. At least, I know I don't.

Post Visited @ The Reading Queen-Ten Books I Need To Read This Summer

5. LilyBloomBooks blog: I finally linked up to Tonyalee's Middle-Grade Madness event. The May link-up.

Post Visited @ LilyBloomBooks-Middle Grade Madness // May Link Up + #Giveaway

6. Geeky Reading blog: While I have wanted to read Citrus for a long time, this Geeky Reading review convinced me to definitely read some day. Too bad my to-read pile is overflowing.

Post Visited @ Geeky Reading-Manga Review: Citrus, Volume 2 by Saburouta

7.  BookLovers for Life blog: I also read a review for Dare to Take by Carly Phillips. Somehow the review made me realize this was not a book for me given how Lacey mentioned this is definitely not a story with utmost novelty and I don't like predictable or tropey. Therefore not something that can pique my interest and hey I have to be picky with the books I buy, after a while book buying adds up.

Post Visited @ BookLovers for Life-Release Day Review: Dare to Take by Carly Phillips

8. Music Knows No Bounds blog: Finally for something a little different. Sigh and double sigh. Despite my better intentions to break away from TK's music. I can't. As such as soon as I came across a Live Report of one of TK's concerts thanks to Polaris I was utterly giddy. 

Which is why I had to read her Live report. I heavily recommend it!

Post Visited @ Music Knows No Bounds-TK from Ling Tosite Sigure Live Report Tokyo (4/16)

You can also catch it here on Wordpress-TK from Ling Tosite Sigure Live Report Tokyo (4/16)

That was it. While my talking about these pieces may have been good and all make sure you check out the original write-ups over at the blogs.

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Blog Graphics: Pictures aren't owned by me that are found on this blog. Most of them can be found via Google/Bing! images or from author press releases and are in no way used for profit. Credit goes to them entirely.

Reviews: Are not given either positively/negatively based on compensation. Reviews are entirely out of speculative opinion. Put out for readers to ultimately make their decision on a book, movie, and or product. They are honest reviews based on opinion. And ultimately I would never falsify information or exaggerate, given I do not see a benefit in doing so.

Affiliate: The blog is monetized through Amazon's Affiliate Associates Program, YesStyle's Affiliate Program, and a few other programs best seen through the blog's ads. Every little purchase you make, makes, a huge difference to me as a blogger. Buying through the blog's links gives me a small percentage of commissions. I try exceptionally hard to make the links/ads as unintrusive as possible when viewed on the blog. If they are intrusive, I, do so apologize but still hope you can enjoy the actual written reviews.