Monday, October 17, 2016

Relationships Advice: Why Men Like innocent virgins

A lot of women and girls think about this and are completely mystified in what the appeal could be. The truth is men and guys like virgins because this type of novelty comes off as indecent and inappropriate. Thereby turning them on. 

A good way to think of it is they know to a girl or woman who has never had any experience in sexual matters that this will be like partaking in something that is usually kept under wraps away from the public eye. Something otherly about it and it gives them pride in knowing they are the ones that will introduce the "virgin" into a life that is seen as off-limits. The only thing is sex is not all that indecent or mysterious. But it still proves thrilling to them knowing there is this illusion in place.

Further accentuating the thrill of sex with a virgin is how for a long while in myth, the idea, of a virgin is associated with the "Virgin Mary" thus giving the idea of an innocent virgin being special somehow.

Now the only drawbacks to this is, first, that virgins don't usually know their way around in performing because of lack of experience thus making sex less pleasurable and outright awkward for the guy or man. Second, guys or men don't usually find the first time all that pleasurable when they can't see the girl or woman finding pleasure in it too since the first time for a majority of women is painful. Not all but most.

So there you have it. Why men like innocent virgins. Oh, and almost forgot if a guy is the insecure type a reason he will want a virgin is because he doesn't like that a woman has gotten used to a certain thing sexually which he cannot provide. He doesn't want to get compared. 

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