Saturday, September 3, 2011

Blog Finds (1) - Sunday

Blog Finds
**If you want to be posted then leave a comment. To post each Sunday. Next Sunday could be your turn. Five blogs will be posted**
All you need is wanting to be posted as a listing under Blog Finds.
Blog Finds are blogs found that are unique or have some interesting content.

Five Alarm Book Reviews

Five Alarm Book Reviews was founded in late 2007 as a mother and daughter team guest posting and reviewing books locally and on the web.  Today they are the same mother and daughter team with the addition of other reviewers interested in specific genres.  Comments are moderated by Stephanie.
Hosts Shelf Candy- I 'm a participant!

Shelf Candy Saturday (6)

Book & Things
Books and Things
Book Reviews and Giveaways

The Book Boost

Promote ...Learn... Compete.... Play.....
The Book Boost Blog

Fabulously Young Adult Epubs

Fabulously Young ePubs

a place for ePublished YA authors to connect
a place for ePublished YA authors to connect

Also see:

Interview & Giveaway with R.J. Gonzales author of "The Mundahlian Era series"

Breath of Angel by Karyn Henley Giveaway along w/Review(U.S. Only)

Back to the Books Giveaway Hop (International)


Erica said...

Thanks so much for sharing :)

Cassandra @ Book & Movie Dimension a Blog said...


Your welcome.

Nat (Lendo Romances) said...

I would love to be posted!
My blog is


Unknown said...

Hi I would love you be informtion is below: & I do reviews on paranormal & urban fantasies.

Blood Rose Books said...

Thank you for letting me know about your website. I would love my blog to be posted about. My Blog is (Blood Rose Books) and I post anything from paranormal to action adventure, but not really anything strictly in the romance genre.

Unknown said...

Hi I'd love for my blog to be posted. It's Sin, diary of a madman and is written from the point of view of the main character in my book.

He sees it as his personal therapy, and writes his diary from within his asylum.


Donna said...

I'd love to be posted! I'm a fairly new blogger, still looking for followers!

Cassandra @ Book & Movie Dimension a Blog said...

I'm really happy to see the great turnover for Blog Finds.

New commentor sorry but no more will be featured next sunday. You'll have to wait for the September 18, Sunday. So it means comment on Blog Finds (2) which is September 11.

Remember each Sunday.

anaavu said...

Wohoo! This is a great idea! And very helpful too :)
Can books spark a revolution?
-For everything booksie!

Dr AnnabelleRC said...

Dear Cassandra
I would be honored if you would post my Consumer Affairs and Social Etiquette blog.

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

Blog Archive

Blog Followers


Blog Graphics: Pictures aren't owned by me that are found on this blog. Most of them can be found via Google/Bing! images or from author press releases and are in no way used for profit. Credit goes to them entirely.

Reviews: Are not given either positively/negatively based on compensation. Reviews are entirely out of speculative opinion. Put out for readers to ultimately make their decision on a book, movie, and or product. They are honest reviews based on opinion. And ultimately I would never falsify information or exaggerate, given I do not see a benefit in doing so.

Affiliate: The blog is monetized through Amazon's Affiliate Associates Program, YesStyle's Affiliate Program, and a few other programs best seen through the blog's ads. Every little purchase you make, makes, a huge difference to me as a blogger. Buying through the blog's links gives me a small percentage of commissions. I try exceptionally hard to make the links/ads as unintrusive as possible when viewed on the blog. If they are intrusive, I, do so apologize but still hope you can enjoy the actual written reviews.

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