Saturday, September 17, 2011

In My Mailbox (7) & Mailbox Monday (2)- September 17

In My Mail­box« is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi – The Story Siren.
 In this meme, we share the books we received for review, purchased, got from the library, traded/swapped, etc. Great way to network your blog with other bloggers and readers. 
This week books received:

Given as Gift: The Babysitter's Club by Ann M. Martin 

Won from Giveaway from the Author: The Secret of the Dread Forest by Gillian Summers 

Bought: The Dark Hills Divide (The Land of Elyon) by Patrick Carman

 In My Mailbox (7) & Mailbox Monday (2)

Last Minute Additions

For Review:
A big thanks to Ayelet  for my copy of The World as We Know it: A Novel by Joseph Monniger.

The World as We Know it: A Novel
What's the book about?: Book Description *Have to say looks really wonderful and very much looking forward to begin reading*

The Radleys: A Novel by Matt Haig
What's the book about?: Book Description 

*Thanks for the Advance Reader Copy*

That has been In My Mailbox (7) & Mailbox Monday (2), what do you have this week? Love to read about it.
~Cassandra The Book & Movie Dimension Blogger


Anonymous said...

A Vlog!!! Way to go! I always think these are a fun way to get to know a blogger.

Sarah (The Book Life) said...

The Babysitters Club! That's awesome :0) Great books, I hope you enjoy them!


Michele//Just a Lil Lost said...

OMG. The Babysitter's Club. Blast from the past!! I was obsessed with that series when I was younger.. Can't believe the books are still floating around! :D

Michele | my IMM

Cassandra @ Book & Movie Dimension a Blog said...

Michelle visited your blog, loved your books especially Juliet Immortal if you see my On My Wishlist widget it's there!

Stop at the blog again:)

April X said...

The Radley's looks good, hope you enjoy all of these though, happy reading! :)

Sophia said...

Ooh, nice week! I haven't heard of most of these books, but I hope you enjoy them. Happy reading :)

Cassandra @ Book & Movie Dimension a Blog said...

The Radleys sounds good definitely because has vampires!

Sophia ye`most aren't too well reviewed around the blogosphere.

Happy reading April and Sophia and thank you for commenting guys.

Sarah@Catching Books said...

wow you got some awesome books this week! enjoy!

thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Julie said...

The Radleys was a LOT of fun! The Dark Divide is next on the read-together list for my Bebe Boy James and I! Great mailbox! Enjoy your reading week!

Amused said...

The World as We Know It looks great!

Anonymous said...

Some great reads , enjoy them.

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